Dressed in what Banner informs him are Clints oldest and darkest clothes, Matt grabs the bag with his suit and stumbles his way towards the elevator. What do you think?, Matt moves his head so hell appear to be glancing from the tablet, to Stark and back again. Good work, he repeats, in a robotic voice. It was only a moment after all, and hardly worth noticing. Brian Cronin: It's been a long time since we have seen one of these haphazard epilogues, where they clearly ran out of room. Theyve also not killed a single person since they arrived. My AI. Were trying to help buddy, Stark says, his voice a thunderclap in the silent room. Sure. Not in it for once, go him. Outside, Stark begins to scream obscenities at Hydra via a loudhailer of some sort and Matt has to smile as it causes a steady flow of gun wielding men moving towards the front of the building. You dont listen to me, he repeats in a near whisper. Mr Daredevil is conscious and attempting to leave his bed.. Im fine. Seems like were working together for this one., Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and the atmosphere on the roof seems to relax. He knows the route to where hes going by heart for any level of the city he chooses to use. But I always refer to . Or or doesnt think hes up to watching her back capable of watching her back. You should seek medical advice. His words are undermined by the fact hes placed his hands on Matts back and is helping him sit up. They think you'reilliterate. Matt feels vaguely guilty. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Can you read it?, Can anyone ever? her partner replies. The address is not an abandoned warehouse, as Matts come to expect from these fractured and scrambling Hydra cells. Youll talk later ., Later. Overall I think there are at least around a few hundred, maybe close to a thousand, Yes. When Foggy is here and hes finally safe. When last we checked in with our heroes in Avengers #82, "Hostage!" It was clearly labelled, you should have had no problems activating the alarm instead of turning the lights off. Her heart is a touch faster than usual, something Matts sure means shes furious and her tone has a mild note of confusion. Words have no power, theyre only words. I wasnt aware that working together once was an invitation for you all to bother me. Browsing by best-selling Our names are all over the internet since SHIELD I thought everyone knew them by now.. Like hes feeling them through a pane of glass instead of in real time. Although hes returned to his street-level roots in recent years, Matt Murdocks time with the Avengers was one of the high points of his career as a superhero. Matt gives her a charming smile, even though all he wants to do is scream at her. Matt struggles to his feet and, as silently as possible makes his way home to where hes sure an anxious Foggy is waiting. Okay two stabbing pains, he finds as he tries to move. Its not like theyre listening anyway. Hells Kitchen is a small part of New York, it wont take them long to track down the blind man that matches Daredevils description. And theyve got some very interesting wallpaper. When the New Avengers first formed at the start of Brian Michael Bendis New Avengers series, Daredevil was actually there by happenstance. Maybe next time hell skip the note and just do the job himself. Daredevil Meets the Avengers | Archive of Our Own All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Murdock is hesitant, but in the end, he cant turn down two of his fellow street-level heroes. The Avengers also don't come off so great in this fic. Theyll be able to strike then. Where are you? the Black Widow asks. While sometimes its all he can do to find a bright side of things, Matts a somewhat optimistic idealist - something hes well aware of even without people continuously pointing it out to him - and that means he can usually find a bright side. How 'Daredevil' Connects To The Marvel Cinematic Universe And 'Agents The Avengers hunt the Devil of Hell's Kitche. Do you want to know what I know or not?. Issue, thing, circumstance, whatever you want to call it. Maybe. A womans scream cuts through the night and Matt cocks his head to track it down. Silver lining. The Hulk. Even if the rest of us provide a big, flashy distraction outside, weve no idea of numbers. None of which had involved the Avengers actual names. Its its certainly something, Matt manages to say. Avengers: How Daredevil Earned His Place Among Earth's - ScreenRant Theyre about the only ones who can read this nightmare of a chicken scratch.. And, despite what Foggy might think, Daredevil is just a mask Matt hides behind; a means to an end. Its not a bad plan actually. The archer? The connection sparks in Matts mind, though hes not sure how Clint could be linked to the elf from the book or the movie - he sounds nothing like the actor who played him and surely theres more to a connection than uses bow, must be like that archer in that book. Though Daredevil initially wanted nothing to do with the Avengers, the Man Without Fear couldn't help but become a member of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. That right?, Realising Clint is holding his phone out for Matt to inspect the number he nods carefully. With a turn of his head, so Foggy cant see his face, Matt admits, And they may have been ah, upset, when I seemingly mixed up the labels on a switch in the bank and hit the lights instead of the alarm.. Murdocks always get up. If I dont, Im certain well just end up in each others way. If theyre any sort of cop theyll stop for the injured woman and figure out shes Hydra fast. He can do it. And hes left a bunch of addresses in his notes. Yes. Theyre getting louder, and they should pass by here in a minute. At least this way hell get it over with and he might keep them out of Hells Kitchen. Maybe? You went in blind, she says as she moves onto the arm of the couch. He also realises its either going to be a kill shot or so disabling that he wont get the information he needs tonight. Get this off, he tugs at Matts cowl and shoves it in the bag still hanging off one of Matts shoulders, and well get you home.. Damn it. Well hed be more sympathetic if she hadnt left him behind. . by Roy Thomas, John Buscema and Tom Palmer, the Avengers had agreed to split up, with Cap, Iron Man, Thor and Quicksilver going after the supervillain organization known as Zodiac, Black Panther taking on organized crime by himself and Vision, Scarlet Witch and Goliath go with a new hero, Red Wolf, to try to stop the old Avenger foe, Cornelius Van Lunt, from driving Red Wolf's people off of their land. Dozen men at most, looking for a quick buck.. He pushes up to his hands and knees, mourning the loss of the hardwood floor. But it's not hard to figure out youre ah. Just having it pinned to her shirt should be enough to get her handcuffed to a hospital bed and put on suicide watch. Steve puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles, a piercing noise that shuts everyone up and has Matts hands flinching towards his ears. Okay. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. No, this time its some kind of office building thats close to the water but not right on it and a few stories high but only a few. This one is actually confusing because at the time Danny Rand was actually filling in as Daredevil and I believe the Civil War comic may even name Daredevil during it as Danny Rand, however when Tony Stark arrests some of the heroes and Daredevil is part of the group, he calls Tony a Judas and his whole demeanor and saying that line at all seems like it was intended for Matt Murdock. Not that the truth would make much difference. Theyre a floor below him now but Matt didnt hear any movement beyond those moving around in the meeting room. Shes trying to manipulate him. Netflix and Marvel promised that Daredevil, a new series based on the popular comic-book character, would be something different. You all? Matt cant keep the outrage from his voice. Slowly it comes together and hes left standing - on shaky limbs but standing nonetheless. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Okay, maybe only a little. How is he walking? Falcon finally says, breaking the silence. You lost a lot of blood, have at least two broken ribs and probably a concussion though Id need to take your mask off to t-, Matt flinches at the thought, -ell and I know how youd feel about that, he finishes. And we at Pasons Group of Companies believe in delivering the same. Tony!. I don't even know how close I got it to what the OP wanted but it is a monster anyway. Who the hell sets four, nine, three, seven, two as their passcode when theyre a member of a secret Nazi group?. Not sure. In the scene, Matt talks to Peter in Aunt May's . But its only a few streets over. Mask mask stays on.. Sounds are bouncing off the glass along the hallway, the weird echoes this causes making his already swaying world a confusing mess of noise. Cant happen, no more. The Black Widow. But if these are a bunch of Hydra leaders theyre all going to have bodyguards or something similar around. Finally Steve gets the hint. Its nearly 4am!, I fucked up, Matt whispers as he staggers to where he thinks theres an alleyway. I dont, Matt says, any previous playfulness or friendliness out of his voice. Matt nods at Captain America, trying to keep any of his childish glee out of his voice and body. Matt continues pacing up and down Foggys living room, running his hands through his hair. From there, hes able to drop down onto the stairwell below it and in a few seconds, hes on the ground in the alleyway and running. Clea is giving up her solo comic book series and title of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme to the returning (from the dead) Doctor Stephen Strange in the next couple of months, but these Avengers could . His heartbeat jumps for a moment before settling back into its even rhythm. Are you willing to do this all day? Tower. Matt half walks, half falls into the alley, collapsing behind the dumpster. The importance of licensed comics to Marvel's history can't really be overstated . The problem was that when he teamed up with Daredevil, one of the only other free heroes, Panther was captured, as well, so Daredevil was by himself. Password is currently three three eight four five but you can change that. I'm throwing this chapter up today, so I make the (now defunct) due date of the 15th. That can be dealt with. M-Daredevil? Foggy says as he picks up and Matt releases the tension in his limbs with his heartfelt thanks to God. - are sitting on one side of a table, Falcon and the Black Widow at the other. Its that note that seems to say Im letting you speak but my expectations are low. No you didnt. He stops at Clints side and steels his spine. There., Matt takes it gently and tries not to give away the way his stomach is trying to sink into the ground. Legs wobble under the pressure of standing, the pain of standing and every bone aches. No more fine in my apartment. Thank you, Captain America says. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Are you going to walk out wearing that?, Banners words cut into Matts mind, a crash of thunder through the clouds in his thoughts. Behind him a woman jumps lightly onto the roof making nearly no sound. I kinda deserve it Mike.. Later. But having him be . The other officer groans. Heard about what Stark did. Matts barely been on the rooftops ten minutes when Tony Stark - in the loud armour he wears - lands on his roof. Forget walking, I wanna know his secret as to how hes awake, Clint says. And you wont cause chaos for your teammates by hitting the wrong switch, the Black Widow adds dryly, but Matt can still detect a hint of anger in her voice. Good to know. Which I think is the way to go. Insecure. Matt carefully notes how he doesnt say Matt is wrong. This is about the reading thing. A force on his back tries to push him down but lightly, barely touching his aching back. Printer paper, by the smell of it, not high grade but not scrap either. Barely. If theres a new gang in town, Matt wants to know now. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Look, I get its embarrassing but reading is, apparently, awesome and this is going to help you learn it.. He instantly realises its not aimed at him but the man hes currently trying to get a location from; whose stubborn refusal to talk has lead to the blood that currently coats his hands and the mans face; and the teeth littering the ground. That doesnt mean Matts going to make it easy for him. Tony keep complaining about it - and hes not wrong. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. His fingers brush the bottom half of the page and he pauses at the indents he feels there. avengers think Matt can't read; Public Bookmark * None So Blind by prettybirdy979 Fandoms: Daredevil (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Teen And Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; Gen; You dont know your own number, he teases. It breaks from the forces on it as it hitshisstick and he tracks the pieces as they fall to the ground around him. This has all the trappings of a bad situation to walk into alone. Can Bruce look you over at the Tower?, Scrambled thoughts manage to piece together the man with the deep thundering heartbeat and barely remembered flashes of green grass. Im the one who figured out you might be well that words arent your thing. Matt takes a deep breath at the confession, the bottom of his stomach dropping at the thoughts in his head. No way, she says. Daredevil, in the quiet moments between fistfights, depicts those complex realities in a widely popular show. He pauses as he feels a slip of paper, folded in her pocket. As in the Lord of the Rings? Gift from us all.. He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed and other pop culture features at Pop Culture References. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Hes being ridiculous and vaguely sexist, she has information and this is the means to get it out of her. He listens until they realise the woman is Hydra and organise transport to the nearest hospital before slipping further away. Daredevil fans spent years pondering the inclusion of the hero in the MCU, but now that he's there and we know a bit about him, it feels like there are more things to ask about than ever. Matt knows enough about the man to know that if its a tablet, itll be one from his company at least. Its f- okay. Matts jumping across to the Hydra buildings roof even before hes quite processed whats happening. (See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.). Fiery pain races through him, released in a groan that echoes in his ear and his head and his chest. Brian Cronin: And half of the Avengers weren't there, including Scarlet Witch, whose powers couldn't help, of course, but she would still be nice to be there. He takes a deep breath and expands his focus. He can taste the air outside, New Yorks finest smog and polluted river water sitting on his tongue. Being called illiterate shouldn't hurt, not when he knows he's not, and it's not like he can tell them the truth. To celebrate six decades in the comics, Hasbro today revealed a lineup of Avengers 60th anniversary figures. Instinctively he opens his eyes and swallows the panic at his dark world; still there after all these years. I will not let you kill him. Legal arguments come to mind and are instantly discarded. Man I mean, I get being fine as you are, thats cool but sometimes you gotta take one for the team. The window is open, he knows this. Cue confusion, embarrassment, and the eventual reveal that Matt is blind. Being called illiterate shouldn't hurt, not when he knows he's not, and it's not like he can tell them the truth. What reason have you given me to trust you?. Matts being ungenerous though. Eileen Gonzalez: : It leaves the issue feeling a bit unfinished, without a definitive "the end. The remaining human traffickers in Hells Kitchen are actually better at their work without Fisk around. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. Bet you got it from the ground., You gotta know whats important, the older cop agrees and Matt scrambles to remember his name. 1 (April 1964). Okay, he might have lost track of that metaphor. They wont be able to come up with any more ridiculous theories if theres no evidence to base them on and theyll stop trying to help him if they stop seeing him. He hopes they are at least. And dude, we can help., I have helped! an outraged Stark says. Good question. I didnt follow that too closely. I hope it helps.. Rest for a second? Hes certain no one but he would have heard Hawkeyes movements. Hes hes not wrong about the missing everything of importance part but it still grates at Matt that its being assumed hes far less competent than he is. We we want to talk. So Iron Man, Black Widow and one other? Matts not to ask Foggy to feel anything negative just for a few moments of comfort. And working on a team that kills is the same thing. Hundreds of legal arguments jump to the tip of histongue but he holds them in, aware he doesnt have the time for it. So, he says after a moment of silence, if youre not hurt, why are you here?, The memory of what the Avengers said, complete with the icy fury burning in his veins, springs to Matts mind. Its a tablet? he repeats. Hes dead if he doesnt. Of course, since Matts not injured (okay, maybe his ears are a little sensitive from the alarm earlier but hes been pushing past the pain for ages now so it doesnt count), Foggy ends up being more of a hinderance than a help. Hes not sure of Hawkeyes hand to hand abilities but from the way his heart starts to race, Matts sure Hawkeye is very aware of his and is nervous. Dont remember much but i think luke cage was leading them and I remember a line that was something like you ask me if daredevil is good enough to be an avenger. You do realise that now I know your secret, youre a shit liar? Matt cant help the flinch at the sting but just gives a small nod. Grabbing his bag, he races for the door as fast as his still shaking legs can manage. I deserve my own code name if Im going to run with people as nuts as you guys., Matt smiles despite himself. Eileen Gonzalez: : And to think the Avengers used to pitch a fit over killing villains. They say when you assume you make an ass of you and me. How the hell is Matt going to be able to tell that? Well hold ourselves back. The Avengers will probably take to the roofs to track him down. No time. Not exactly a lie; Matt doesnt tend to read braille books due to the often unjustifiable expense and hes not had a lot of time to listen to any of his novels since becoming a vigilante. With slow measured steps, Banner moves across the room to stand before Matt. I have to ask why you think Google wouldnt have an answer? I see what Thomas wanted to do, with having these disparate plot lines come together in the end. All in all, Matts been closer to death than this. You can keep it or get rid of it afterwards; we dont care. Not even bothering to turn them off. Matt creeps up on him slowly until he can hear the scrape of a pencil. It should be chaos, body parts everywhere with Matt at its heart and exploiting them falling all over one another. My turn to talk. Not a blind lawyer who, as you put it, graduated summa cum laude and reads difficult books for fun. Sloppy. You get it?, Im a deaf carnie that never managed to attend high school let alone drop out of it. Its a comforting thought, like hes lying on his silk soft bed in the morning sun, Foggys snores from the bed across from his. Matt knows everyone is staring at him, the heat of their gazes boring into him but he just holds his heavy head as high as he can and waits. If youre going to follow me, youll need to be a lot quieter, Matt finally snaps, tired of Hawkeyes ridiculously loud presence on the rooftops behind him. Okay, Sam, Tony, I want you in the air now. Matts pleased with their foresight to protect the already diminished police force but annoyed at the fact theyve been here ten minutes and have no sign of a plan yet. Youre awake. Theres a note in Steves voice, the same confused, disbelieving wonder that had coloured Banners voice their entire conversation. I have an epilogue of sorts I'm working on that should be up by the 18th or the 20th. Daredevil left a note, Matt hears one of the officers say, from his hiding resting place on the roof above the crime scene. Matt mirrors the movement, clinging to Foggy as he pulls Matt to his feet with a groan from them both. Matt feels even guiltier. . Why is he focusing on it-. Then yes. Just in case you need it.. Its a familiar scent to Matt, after all his years working in various office like situations. And with that, before anyone can move, Matt turns and throws himself out the window, already reaching out to grab the fire escape under it. Do they think vigilantism is a viable solution to our crime problem? Brian Cronin: It's just the end of the issue period, no? Its part of what makes him such a great lawyer - and what had caused their fight to be as huge as it was. Even if Matt wasnt a lawyer whose entire livelihood is words, hed know hes only lying to himself. These guys are good at their jobs but idiots with technology. All I can think of is that s energy with homelander and the blind hero in The Boys. JDK-8141210 : Very slow loading of JavaScript file with recent JDK Steve Rogers. Trust me, I understand. He fiddles with something in his hands - a knife by the scent of metal and faded blood. Ah, thats good right?. Running is pointless, Matt might be able to out hide Steve but he doubts he can keep moving long enough to outrun him for the rest of his life. Saw you running and decided to come give you my number. Something like that. Brian Cronin: But yeah, it then ended on a wokka wokka bit. Hes taken the faceplate off? Its the same note hes heard a thousand times before, when the blind kid dared to put his hand up to have an opinion and the teacher had to call on him. Hasbro Announces Avengers 60th Anniversary Figures and More Oh man this is a StarkLet . Why then does it feel like hes just faced a thousand opponents and barely gotten away with his life? Matt struggles to his feet and holds his head as high as it can go. Totally fix it which is a thousand times better than what most of the bullshit people are selling will. Got a timer Stark. Theres lots to hear out on the street for a man who keeps his ears open.. None? haze of his thoughts, Foggy is a ray of sun, whispering in Matts ear that hes coming and hell be there soon. Okay, here. Before Matt can voice a protest, Stark tugs the tablet from his hands and taps at it, unlocking it with a click. Home, he grunts and something warm ruses through the few bits of him that dont ache when it comes out a word. Words have no power, theyre only words. But it wouldn't be a Marvel show without your fair share of Marvel . Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Im sure there was an issue of new avengers entirely devoted to him joining. Johnson, thats it. This must either be a regularly used first-aid room or the worlds most sanitised lab. Duuude., Aimed at helping me learn to read, Matt says bitterly. If it wasnt for the weapons he can occasionally hear clicking or shifting around, Matt would have already gone in. Theyre silent as they move, but theres little need to be; Matt can hear that everyone in the building is gathered in the lobby and these offices are all empty. Feeling guilty maybe? Has he been an avenger, or been considered an avenger? He takes a path that puts him behind Clint, relying on his abilities to help him sneak up on the archer. Fucked up. After initially announcing that all of the TV shows took place in the same universe as the movies . The moment hes on the street, he pulls out his burner phone and presses at buttons with a prayer in his throat. Even though he has yet to join the Avengers in the MCU, Daredevil worked alongside the team multiple times in the comics. Matt hates that hes hearing it from Captain America of all people. What?. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Theres no way hell leave Matt alone until he gets what he came for. I get that its scary and new, but reading, reading is awesome. Joke. Hes going to have to talk to the Avengers eventually. Im b- Im not deaf.. Now I know this might not look like much but its better than like, everything on the market right now and itll help with your little problem. Im very good at being silent, Matt eventually says. Brian Cronin: I'm totally down with Thor being willing to do it. You wanna be a hero, you dont get to have a personal life. He sounds weary and defeated but Matt has to bite his tongue to stop himself screaming at him. Tony take off now. Stark is in the air a moment later. Is there a plan?, Captain America steps forward. I can see the lights from it now. He huffs in disbelief. No, The Avengers would only slow him down. It takes Matt a little bit of work - she made walking along the side of the building seem easy, but hes right behind her. Confused and a little bit pleased, Matt eventually makes his way to Clints roof. And Matt has an awareness that while sharing his experience might add even more panes of glass to his emotional windows (okay, his metaphors might need some work), itll add a burden to Foggy. He needs to be somewhere else. The man who lived up to his name and made Captain America look sensible in the process., Steve whirs around to face Stark as Matt bristles and tries to rise. Together, they haul him to his feet. Theyre the ones who needed it most after all, the people left behind by people like the Avengers who dont care about the little guys. Room is empty but theres a deep heartbeat just outside, theres a taste of copper coming from the bin in the corner meaning his wounds were treated here, and hes certain hes never going to get the scent of disinfectant out of his nose. By Brian Cronin. Matts breathing picks up as a man calls for silence in the room, getting it instantly. But he lingers for a moment, to listen. Yeah. Its a tiny thing, but hearing it feels like a stab to the gut. on. Matt smiles. He was asked several times, but turned it down due to issues in his personal life (secret identity exposed). No?, Right. ends Monday March 6! Stark is by the bar with a glass of whiskey in hand, Clint is perched on top of it, and Falcon is behind it, pouring himself a drink by the scent of the open bottle of vodka.
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avengers think daredevil is illiterate