But note that opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Aps ver um carto postal mandado pela Victoria em que ela oferece ajuda Kate, Max pode conversar com Kate sobre a personalidade da Victoria, especulando sobre as inseguranas dela ou sobre o quo piranha ela . Kate decide perdo-la, pois acredita em perdo e redeno. Jeff killed Chloe because she's a liability and a witness. The journal sticker graphic that implies Kate is alive has been labeled Kate_scrapbook_dead, and the sticker graphic that implies that Kate is dead has been labeled Kate_scrapbook_alive. Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate, depending on some of the choices you make. Seu pai Richard Marsh pregador na igreja, e ela parece ter uma boa relao com ele. Queria poder ajud-la, mas mal posso ajudar a mim mesma. Saving Kate (Episode 2) A Guide for Life is Strange By: [UCSC] KaraThrace This guide will contain constant spoilers about one of the major choices of Episode 2, so consider yourself warned. Enquanto Max procura ferramentas para consertar sua cmera na Garagem do David, ela encontra os arquivos de David. [note 1], Suicdio ao pular do telhado do dormitrio. Kate decides to forgive her, because she believes in forgiveness and redemption. As a result, Nathan spent listening to Jefferson. Her unusual behavior of kissing people on video and acting wildly could be attributed to the drugs, proving Kate's innocence. Kate views the spread of the video as a form of punishment, one strong enough to weaken the foundations of her faith. Sneaking out to meet Chloe, Max meets a remorseful Dana, and finds out that Victoria and Taylor are still very wrecked after Kate's suicide attempt. Ela tambm est muito grata por Max ter subido at o telhado para falar com ela, porque ela estava se sentindo perdida e sozinha o tempo todo, mas o carinho e esforo de Max mostraram que ela no estava sozinha. Apagada a mensagem, ela pode substitui-la pelo smbolo da paz. Similar to Alice whose sanity becomes increasingly questionable the more time she spends in Wonderland, Kate becomes increasingly more unstable emotionally as the story goes on to the point where in the end she was willing to kill herself just to make it stop. Kate Marsh - Life is Strange by Myed89 on DeviantArt Max CaulfieldAlyssa AndersonStella HillWarren Graham H uma foto das trs garotas juntas no quarto da Kate. I do this: Things will get better, I'm here for you, You were drugged, Be strong, Your sisters/Your Dad. Players might remember seeing pictures and letters from Kate's family while exploring her room for photo collectibles in Episode 2 of Life is Strange. Eu gosto de Kate Marsh, ela do mesmo corredor que eu e temos uma aula em comum. After Max enters the shower, Kate resumes brushing her teeth as Victoria and Taylor walk in and tell her about how much they enjoyed her viral video saying that she set a tongue record. See? Why would he leave a potential person out there that could reveal him? Principal Wells sent her an email wishing her a speedy recovery. Life is Strange: Go to Police or Look For Proof? - Game Rant O adesivo que indica que a Kate est viva foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_dead, e o que indica que ela est morta foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_alive. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Expansion Pass, if Max took a photo instead of intervening in Episode 1 or not, Games With Inclusive LGBTQ+ Romance Options, Life Is Strange: The Most Important Choices Youll Have To Make In The Game, Most Iconic Kid Detectives In Video Games, Hogwarts Legacy Couple Waste Over 2 Hours Trying to Open Locked Chest, You Probably Missed This Hogwarts Legacy Side Quest. And anything you've done to help Kate (standing up from her. Kate Marsh is a characters that appeared in Life is Strange. But Nathan also suffered under Jefferson. 12 de Setembro de 1995(Signo Virgem) Se Max no consegue salvar a Kate no Episdio 2, as bandeiras do lado de fora da Blackwell Academy permanecem completamente hasteadas. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. A pgina do dirio da Max sobre a Kate muda no Episdio 3, dependendo se Max consegue salvar a vida dela ou no. Ela to linda, gentil e amigvel. She doesn't drink alcohol and wages an abstinence campaign at her school, although she has a few sips of wine in church. Para mais significados e simbolismos por trs da cor preta, veja: Informao obtida a partir de um email mandado pela Academia Blackwell para Chloe. Choosing the right dialogue options to save Kate is essential, and players can have a much easier time if they made some emphatic choices at earlier points in the story. Do lado de fora, ela passa correndo por Warren e o ignora, enquanto David Madsen tira fotos dela escondido. Dublador(a) Estudante de Ensino Mdio A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. Se a Kate morrer, o adesivo que estar no dirio aps esta consequncia ir sugerir que ela ainda est viva (Fique Bem Logo). The girls talk for a moment before Max goes to have her shower. Approaching her, Max asks her about what she thought of Mr. Jeffersons class. Marsh (me)Tia Marsh (tia)Lynn Marsh (irm)Irm no identificada Max comenta que ele est "muito emo", com as persianas fechadas, o espelho coberto, e desenhos depressivos espalhados no cho. Kate's Family Afterward, Kate claims that nobody cares about her. The name "Katie" appears in Frank Bowers's client list (codenamed as "Chihuahua"). The story is intriguing and mysterious, and the colors and the atmospheres are . For clarity, this guide has been updated with tables that detail the outcomes of each dialogue choice, regardless of the actions taken up to this moment. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club Party, and seems emotionally traumatized. She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. said to Mr. Jefferson in the corridor in "Out of Time"Nobody cares about me. Isso a torna mais bela que vadias como a Victoria que acham que a beleza apenas o rosto e roupas. The Verdict. Max comments that it's \"way too emo\", with the blinds closed, mirror covered and depressing drawing on the floor. Her family's disappointment combined with the persistent bullying from Vortex Club members and the vicious behavior of her peers leads her to become withdrawn and depressed. She then tries to convince her, and depending on player's choices succeed or fails. Throughout the first two chapters of Life is Strange, the cruelty of the gossip on Max's campus builds as word spreads of Kate's taped exploits, the bullies of the school viciously descending . Na mesma noite, seu quarto foi selado com uma fita de isolamento. Additionally, Kate could have been released by the hospital after a 48 hour hold period, by which time her family would have visited (as she mentions they would during Max's visit). Actually, she understood that there are a lot of people who love her. She is also very grateful towards Max for coming up to the rooftop to talk to her because she was feeling lost and alone all the time, but Max's caring and trying showed her that she wasn't. Avel Causa da Morte No quarto ela pode encontrar cartas, cartes postais e fotos relacionadas famlia de Kate. The email is found on her computer in Episode 3 during the morning Max stays over at her house. Later, Chloe uses the knowledge that David has been keeping tabs on Kate as threat to expose Davids harassment when discovers Max in the Price Household. Jumped to her death off the dormitory roof. Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. He's had a passion for video games and literature since he was a child growing up along the beaches of San Diego, California. She seems to be involved in a lot of religious groups. Next up is Kate marsh! Max must choose what to do: When Max reunites with Chloe Price and heads for her house, she investigates Chloe's home for tools to fix her camera. On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Is Kate 18? And if yes, where can I watch her video? :: Life is Strange This is evident from David's clues which include photos and location data cross-referencing the time of Kate's abduction with both Jefferson's and Nathan's vehicles on the evening of the 4th of October. colors fanart mixedmedia rain lifeisstrange myed89 art katemarsh. Max pode confortar Kate aps a aula, dizendo que sempre estar ao seu lado quando ela precisar, e tambm pode confrontar Victoria por ter espalhado o vdeo da Kate. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max uses her selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and travels back to Jefferson's class where everything started. Mais tarde, no restaurante com a Chloe Price, Max receber uma ligao de Kate, e ter de escolher entre atender ou no. She comments that she gave most of the flowers away to other patients, believing they need them more than her. If Kate died, a local service will be held at 2:00pm for Kate Marsh on Saturday, October 12th. He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. Life Is Strange: How To Save Kate Marsh - TheGamer Later, on her way to the Prescott Dormitory, Max spots Kate sitting on a bunch nearby where Logan Robertson and Zachary are throwing their football. The good news is that Kate can likely be saved, even with less than optimal choices up to this point. Pessoas com este esprito animal so normalmente imprevisveis, espontneas, gentis, carinhosas, observadoras, atentas, inteligentes, perspicazes, bem sucedidas e bons conselheiros. Not saving. O coelho smbolo de vulnerabilidade, conforto e abundncia; tambm est associado a sentimentos, desejo e procriao. Here's my next Life is Strange 1 scene pack!! Seu comportamento fora do comum, beijando vrias pessoas e agindo loucamente, pode estar atribudo s drogas, provando a inocncia de Kate. Suicdio ao pular do telhado do dormitrio (determinante)Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante) Drawings of nooses and the word "waste" adorn the page. Ela tenta usar seu poder para salv-la a tempo, mas acaba sofrendo vrias dores de cabea e sangramentos nasais no processo. Os desenhos parecem deix-la com mais esperanas para o futuro. RELATED: Games With Inclusive LGBTQ+ Romance Options. Kate is traumatized by an experience she had at a Vortex Club party on October the 4th[3], in which Nathan Prescott drugged her and promised he would take her to a hospital for help (an act which he did not follow through on). No more! Warren Graham/Kate Marsh - Works | Archive of Our Own The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. Kate is the first human character who has a determinant status. No quarto do hospital em que Kate est no Episdio 4, Max pode ver as flores que Taylor mandou para ela, que so tulipas amarelas. Following the incident, she consulted the school nurse who, concerned about Kate's current mental state, contacted Principal Wells to keep an eye on her. Max conversa com Kate sobre o que aconteceu na festa do Clube Vortex e sobre o vdeo viral. Jefferson only killed the girls when they remembered everything that happened in the Darkroom. " [] maybe there's a reason we pretend? I hope it was helpful! If you take a closer look at the scribbles on Kate's notebook in Jefferson's class at the beginning of the game, you will notice that they indicate suicidal thoughts and already foreshadow her eventual suicide attempt. So far the only victim killed were Rachel, and that wasn't Jefferson's fault since Nathan gave her an overdose. What happened to Kate Marsh? :: Life is Strange General Discussions Elas at comearam a fazer sesses de ch semanais. Se a Kate viver, o adesivo que estar no dirio ir sugerir que ela morreu (Amor quando voc permanece vivo, mesmo depois de ter morrido). Suas atividades extracurriculares incluem o programa Refeies em Rodas e um diversificado grupo de estudos religiosos.[1]. Talking to her, Max can encourage her not to share the video anymore. This is evident from the Mozart poster in her room in Episode 2. Finally, she exerts her power to the degree that she can stop time, which allows her to make it to the roof.Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. For searching the meaning and symbolism of the colour black, see here: You can find out more about the symbolism of tulips here: Information obtained from an email sent by Blackwell Academy to Chloe. I only made one mistake and that was to say her mother cared about her, I didn't check her laptop to find out that her mom despises her. As Kate remained unconscious most of the time, Jefferson decided to keep her alive. Wasnt it implied somewhere in episode 5 that Mr. Jefferson never really killed anyone until the events of the game. Later, as she is heading for the parking lot to give Warren Graham his flash drive, she spots security guard, David Madsen, is hassling Kate, who tells David to leave her alone. provvel que ambos sejam referncias , O nome do meio e o sobrenome de Kate podem ser uma referncia personagem Beverly Marsh do livro. Please be sure to credit me (either . Este esprito animal tambm smbolo de fertilidade, excitao, sexualidade e sorte. Following the events of her attempted suicide, according to Max's diary, Max walked Kate down from the rooftop. Morte Those who ignored the call need to be careful which option they select. Kate then runs out crying saying that Victoria will be sorry one day. The drawings seem to make her more hopeful for the future. Kate v a propagao do vdeo como forma de punio, forte o suficiente para enfraquecer os fundamentos de sua f. Finalmente, ela eleva seu poder ao ponto de conseguir parar o tempo, o que a permite ir at o telhado. Kate Marsh is/was (depending on choice) a classmate of Max. Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.". Antes da postagem do vdeo viral dela, Kate era uma aluna feliz na Blackwell com um GPA (mdia de notas) de 3.9 e um registro impecvel. Ela comenta que deu a maioria das flores para outros pacientes, acreditando que eles precisavam mais do que ela. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Na Academia Blackwell, uma Kate perturbada ser vista pedindo ajuda para o Sr. Jefferson, que no atender ao pedido dela. However, there is currently an inconsistency with how these new graphics appear, due to the files being misnamed in the Unreal Engine packages (TX_Character_E3_Kate_SF, TX_Character_E4_Kate_SF, and TX_Character_E5_Kate_SF). Informaes do Jogo O email pode ser visto no computador dela no Episdio 3, durante o tempo que Max passa em sua casa. Apelidos I just feel like nobody caressaid to Max in "Out of Time". The _ga cookie, installed by Google Analytics, calculates visitor, session and campaign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site's analytics report. This is on the rooftop by the way. At the end of Episode 2, Max is faced with the dilemma of getting Kate off the roof. Later in the diner, Kate calls Max for support, but Chloe Price tries to talk her out of it. A decepo de sua famlia combinada com o constante bullying feito por membros do clube Vortex e o afastamento de seus amigos levaram ela a ficar isolada e depressiva. Kate Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. Written in marker on two photographs are, Kate Marsh, she knows something! and 3:17pm Blackwell Academy parking lot. Porm, foi confirmado pelos desenvolvedores que a Katie na lista de Frank no a Kate Marsh. Alm disso, hospitais normalmente possuem abrigos subterrneos, e Arcadia Bay uma cidade conhecida por ter vrios abrigos nucleares.[8]. Ela tambm parece ter uma relao positiva com as duas. Her family is now very protective towards Kate, and feel very guilty. Iceman Jun 13, 2015 @ 8:00pm. Kate Marsh - Life Is Strange Fans Before the release of her viral video, Kate was a happy student at Blackwell with a high GPA of 3.9 and a spotless record. She's so pretty AND sweet and friendly. Se Max no conseguir, um santurio nas escadas em frente ao dormitrio ser mostrado no lugar desta cena. On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Ela considerada a representao dos melhores alunos da Blackwell. Kate Marsh is a characters that appeared in Life is Strange. Anyone else could have saved her: Life is Strange gave my - Polygon During Mark Jeffersons class, Kate is hassled by Victoria Chases friend, Taylor Christensen, who tosses a paper ball at her. LoL i got everything right on first time :D. OK, here is a video detailing exactly how to save Kate Marsh that I finally finished. Kate tells Max that she doesnt remember or care about much of anything from earlier that morning. Her extracurricular activities include the Meals On Wheels program and a diverse religious studies group.[1]. Kate foi filmada beijando vrias pessoas e no se lembra de ter feito isso por causa das drogas. Isso evidente pelo arquivo dela na Academia Blackwell. In the binder, you can find several photographs of a drugged Kate, taken by Mark Jefferson. Answering it will cause Max to miss a confrontation between Chloe and her mother, which Chloe will chide her about later, but will comfort Kate. provvel que o esprito animal da Kate seja o coelho, que o animal mais conectado a ela, j que ela possui um coelho de estimao. I know she's involved in a lot of religious groups, but she doesn't preach to me so I don't care. Kate will ask about the events that happened yesterday, then Max will tell her about how she helped her by erasing messages on her board or the video link and about how much of a friend she is to her and that she agrees that she was drugged. Yellow tulips stand for hope and cheerful thoughts and are common get-well gifts. Kate runs off crying, missing class. Kate sits at the table to the right of Max in Jefferson's classroom. Kate seemed an exception, for a reason that is not explained in the game she survived the Darkroom and continued watching the Jefferson class. Finally, she exerts her power to the degree that she can stop time, which allows her to make it to the roof. No fichrio, voc pode encontrar trs fotografias da Kate dopada, tiradas por Mark Jefferson. After Max brings her book, Kate asks why Max did or did not help her when she was being bullied by David, after Max answers, Kate tries to explain what happened before her video was put online, saying that she went to a Vortex Club Party and something caused her to make out with a bunch of guys. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Chloe Price (Life is Strange) Warren Graham; Kate Marsh; Victoria Chase (Life is Strange) Rachel Amber; Mark Jefferson; David Madsen; Joyce Price; Sean Prescott; Frank Bowers; Blackwell Academy Students; Homeless Lady (Life is Strange) Original Characters; Caroline Prescott; Kristine Prescott; Slow Build; It's a combination of factors, depending on what you say when shes up there and things you did for her before. (@ambersprice), Fnaf enjoyer(@deadbydayplayz), Life is strange(@life_is_strange_edits1), sophia(@youkilledabout53cats), sara lol(@brxh.s), Ally (@_yeager.stan_), SnipsGamingtiktok(@snipsgamingtiktok), (@.hnix), wsp(@locuich), liv(@feltaln) . Na Festa Fim do Mundo do Clube Vortex, Victoria dedica sua vitria na Competio Heris do Cotidiano a Kate. This is evident through her Blackwell Academy record. If you select sisters, Max and Kate will talk about the latter's younger sibling Lynn. It's still possible to save Kate even if Max wasn't as nice as she could have been toward her bullied friend. A famlia de Kate agora est muito protetora com ela, e sentem muita culpa. Max can't use her powers to bring Kate back if she dies in Episode 2 of Life is Strange, so find out how to save her within this guide. 2016 - 2023 Pixel Squirrel Studios Ltd. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. No fim, ela entendeu que h vrias pessoas que a amam e se importam com ela. If Max chooses to find more proof, Kate will be distraught by this. O destino de Kate e sua ltima apario dependem da escolha de Max no final do Episdio 5. Not saving Kate casts a somber tone throughout the rest of the game, with multiple characters expressing their regret at how they treated her. Kate will later be deeply thankful, as evident from her messages, although it does not have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max later travels back in time again. Richard Marsh (pai)Sra. Hizzer May 25, 2015 @ 8:05pm. Life is Strange: How to Save Kate - Game Rant Ela provocada por Taylor Christensen, que joga uma bola de papel nela com um comentrio sobre o seu "pornozo". A seguir o que a Max escreveu sobre a Kate em seu dirio: "No quero criticar todo mundo. It could also be some grim foreshadowing of Kate's possible suicide, as she attempts to throw herself off a building, mirroring Alice's descent down the rabbit hole (though in Alice's case, her fall was accidental while Kate's was deliberate). Outside of class, David follows Kate and watches her from a distance. The Good Life is strange follows Maxine (Max) in her senior year of high school. On the grounds of the Prescott Dormitory, Kate sits looking off into the distance alone on a bench. Rachel died of overdose (Nathan did it). Same goes for Max and Victoria. Porm, ao chegar no telhado, Max no consegue usar seus poderes devido a dor que eles lhe causam. Parent reviews for Life Is Strange | Common Sense Media The girls talk for a moment before Max goes to have her shower. Discover kate marshall life is strange 's popular videos | TikTok Dayeanne Hutton, VA for Kate Marsh, Alyssa and Juliet begins her playthrough of Life is Strange Remastered! Kate will then bring up how no one cares about her, but Max tries to bring up a member of her family, only her father and sisters will convince her while her mother and brother will not. Her father Richard Marsh is a preacher in the Church, who she seems to have a good relationship with. This . When Max discovers that Chloe was drugged by Nathan Prescott, she assumes that the same thing happened to Kate due to her strange, uncharacteristic behavior in the viral video. Then, suddenly, Zachary comes in, and tells the class, that something is going on on girl's dorm. So the Psycologist ends the counseling. Ela legal e gentil, mesmo com os outros alunos zoando a campanha de abstinncia dela. Max may comfort Kate after the class telling her she'll always be there for her and also confront Victoria with her video of Kate.

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kate marshall life is strange

kate marshall life is strange