We review federal proposals for land and water development to make sure these activities do not further degrade habitat or harm protected species. 1531 et seq.) Where does NMFS obtain information on the level of observer coverage in a fishery on the LOF? The fishery fact sheets summarize LOF classification information for the public and we will review and correct this error. Extending along the U.S. Coast from Canada to Mexico, the California Current is characterized by some of the most dramatic annual, interannual, and decadal environmental variability in the world. Leanne Marten . developer tools pages. In accordance with the MMPA (16 U.S.C. William Abadie . Response: NMFS agrees that the best available scientific information is important for assessing the risk fisheries pose to marine mammal stocks. More information and documentation can be found in our No comments were received on that certification, and no new information has been discovered to change that conclusion. As noted in the 2016 SAR (Muto et al., 2017), the 2012 killer whale M/SI in the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery was assigned to both the resident and transient stocks of killer whale, given no genetic samples were collected and the overlap in the range of the two stocks in Alaska waters. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. Because of this court ruling, NMFS conducted updated status reviews for ESA-listed West Coast steelhead ESUs that took into account those non-anadromous populations below dams and other major migration barriers that were considered to be part of the steelhead ESUs (Good et al., 2005). SARs are brief reports summarizing the status of each stock of marine mammals occurring in waters under U.S. jurisdiction, including information on the identity and geographic range of the stock, population statistics related to abundance, trend, and annual productivity, notable habitat concerns, and estimates of human-caused mortality and serious injury (M/SI) by source. The LOF for 2021 reflects new information on interactions between commercial fisheries and marine mammals. Our prolific bays and estuaries nurture Dungeness crabs, oysters, and other delectable shellfish prized around the world. California sea lion, U.S. Long-beaked common dolphin, CA. AK Peninsula/Aleutian Islands salmon drift gillnet, AK Peninsula/Aleutian Islands salmon set gillnet, AK Prince William Sound salmon drift gillnet. Red tracers are indicative of the gear marking scheme required for the ALWTRP Northern Inshore Trap/Pot fishery management area, a management area that overlaps Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts state waters. Parents teach their kids to fish the West Coasts 7,000 miles of shore and view wildlife such as elephant seals, sea turtles, and sea lions. The West Coast Groundfish Observer Program produces an annual groundfish mortality and bycatch report. That final rule was effective January 1, 2023. Affected Species and NMFS' Determinations: ESA-Listed Species Status . We participate in the implementation of numerous international treaties and other agreements to sustainably conserve fisheries for cross-boundary species including highly migratory fish, particularly tuna; whiting; halibut, and salmon; and protect marine mammals of mutual interest to nations of the Pacific. West Coast Groundfish Quick Facts Species Include Arrowtooth Flounder, Canary Rockfish, Dover Sole, Lingcod, Pacific Cod, Pacific Ocean Perch, Pacific Spiny Dogfish, Pacific Whiting, Petrale Sole, Sablefish, Shortspine Thornyhead, Widow Rockfish, Yelloweye Rockfish Region West Coast About The SARs are based on the best scientific information available at the time of preparation, including the level of mortality and serious injury of marine mammals that occurs incidental to commercial fishery operations and the PBR levels of marine mammal stocks. List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Table 1: AIAleutian Islands; AKAlaska; BSBering Sea; CACalifornia; ENPEastern North Pacific; GOAGulf of Alaska; HIHawaii; MHIMain Hawaiian Islands; OROregon; WAWashington; *Fishery has an associated high seas component listed in Table 3; and. Marine Mammal Science 31(2): 579-590. 03/03/2023, 266 When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. The Branch works with staff throughout the region to share strategic communications and knowledge, build understanding, and recognize achievements from NOAA Fisheries stewardship activities on the West Coast. NMFS is developing similar fishery fact sheets for each Category III fishery on the LOF. In 2006, through Amendment 19, over 100,000 square miles of the EEZ, including approximately 14,000 square miles of some of the most sensitive ocean floor habitats off Washington, Oregon, and California, were closed to bottom trawling, or to all bottom-contacting gears. documents in the last year, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Changes made to Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery participants will not affect observer coverage or bycatch estimates, as observer coverage and bycatch estimates are based on vessel trip reports and landings data. List of Terms, Abbreviations, and Symbols Used in Table 3: CACalifornia; GMXGulf of Mexico; HIHawaii; OROregon; WAWashington; WNAWestern North Atlantic; *Fishery is an extension/component of an existing fishery operating within U.S. waters listed in Table 1 or 2. Responses to substantive comments are below; comments on actions not related to the LOF are not included. Learn more about Protected Resources on the West Coast. Bottlenose dolphin, Northern GMX oceanic. Comment 10: MLA states that NMFS has the flexibility to consider a variety of criteria, such as differences in gear and fishing techniques, and the distribution of endangered stocks relative to individual fisheries when classifying fisheries on the LOF. They experience more pronounced boom and bust population dynamics. documents in the last year, 122 NMFS must reexamine the LOF annually, considering new information in the Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports (SARs) and other relevant Start Printed Page 3029sources, and publish in the Federal Register any necessary changes to the LOF after notice and opportunity for public comment (16 U.S.C. Conserving at-risk habitats contributes to ecosystem resilience. NMFS announces that the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) has submitted Amendment 6 to the Fishery Management Plan for U.S. West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species (HMS FMP) for review by the Secretary of Commerce. The mentioned study, (Baird and Webster, 2020) presented findings on the magnitude and nature of associations between fishing vessels and pantropical spotted dolphin stocks. Importantly, the state of Maine does not use unique gear configurations from other states and gear configurations within Maine's waters are not uniform or divided across the geographic boundaries (i.e., exemption lines) that MLA has identified. For fisheries with observer coverage, species or stocks are generally removed from the list of marine mammal species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured if no interactions are documented in the 5-year timeframe summarized in that year's LOF. NOAA Fisheries works with fishermen, industry, non-governmental organizations, scientists, and academia. Is Action Likely To Jeopardize the Species? Bottlenose dolphin, GMX continental shelf. If NMFS takes a management action, for example, through the development of a TRP, NMFS would first prepare an Environmental Impact Statement or Environmental Assessment, as required under NEPA, specific to that action. West Coast Region 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd., Suite 1100 PORTLAND, OREGON 97232-1274 . These stocks are harvested in both non-tribal and tribal commercial fisheries and recreational fisheries. Bradford, J. Barlow, D.L. Authority: This observed count of entanglements is not representative of total fishery-related M/SI that goes undetected or unattributed to a particular cause, and therefore represents the minimum M/SI. For these fisheries, effort by a single participant is counted the same whether the fisherman used the gear only once or every day. Back . on FederalRegister.gov Harbor seal, Prince William Sound. The definitions for the fishery classification criteria can be found in the implementing regulations for section 118 of the MMPA (50 CFR 229.2). While every effort has been made to ensure that State and regional abbreviations used in the following paragraphs include: AK (Alaska), CA (California), HI (Hawaii), OR (Oregon), WA (Washington), and WNA (Western North Atlantic). This consists of a NOAA Fisheries type-approved VMS transmitter that automatically determines a vessel's position. MMPA section 118 states that the Secretary is not required to place an observer on a vessel if the facilities for quartering an observer or performing observer functions are so inadequate or unsafe that the health or safety of the observer or the safe operation of the vessel would be jeopardized; thereby authorizing the exemption of vessels too small to safely accommodate an observer from this requirement. March 2, 2023 - JOHN'S, NL - Despite the mountains of evidence and years' worth of work by inshore fish harvesters and the Union that represents them, the federal meeting to determine the fate of the Atlantic Mackerel Fishery in 2023 has left fish harvesters feeling frustrated and ignored.FFAW-Unifor is calling on Minister Murray to commit to fully investigating the possibility of . Fishing the Pacific lifts spirits, feeds families and supports the economies of California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Bottlenose dolphin, Northern Migratory coastal. There are no current data on interactions with pantropical dolphins (or other dolphin species) in any other Pacific Ocean commercial troll fisheries. The information contained in the SARs is reviewed by regional Scientific Review Groups (SRGs) representing Alaska, the Pacific (including Hawaii), and the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. For questions related to West Coast groundfish permits and licenses or the associated forms, please contact the NOAA Fisheries Permit Office at (206) 526-4353. Bottlenose dolphin, GMX bay, sound, estuarine. 1387 (c)(1)(C)). NMFS works in partnership with industry, universities, and state, local, and tribal agencies to collect data about commercial species. NMFS reviewed the marine mammal incidental mortality and serious injury information presented in the SARs for all fisheries to determine whether changes in fishery classification are warranted. As discussed in the proposed rule, NMFS clarifies its response to Comment #14 in the 2020 Final LOF (85 FR 21079; April 16, 2020). Other species: These include ratfish, finescale codling, and Pacific rattail grenadier. Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, Staff and volunteers from Feiro Marine Life Center and SR3 release a juvenile seal back to Port Angeles Harbor. Under Section 4(f)(1)(B), to the maximum . We, NMFS, announce a 90-day finding on a petition to list the Oregon Coast (OC) and Southern Oregon and Northern California Coastal (SONCC) Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or, alternatively, list only the spring-run Chinook salmon Information on observer coverage levels in Category I, II, and III fisheries can be found in the fishery fact sheets on the NMFS Office of Protected Resources' website: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/list-fisheries-summary-tables. Humpback whale, Western North Pacific. biennium). Dam Removal Puts California Salmon in Hot Pursuit of Cold Water. None documented in the most recent 5 years of data. Fish and Wildlife Service share jurisdiction of some listed entities; this service only contains spatial data for NMFS critical habitat in the West Coast Region. Individuals fishing in Category I and II fisheries for which no state or Federal license or permit is required must register with NMFS by contacting their appropriate Regional Office (see ADDRESSES). Additionally, in August 2020, NMFS reopened the Southern Exclusion Zone to Hawaii deep-set longline fishing (85 FR 50959, August 19, 2020). Bottlenose dolphin, Southern Migratory coastal. In 2017, a spotted dolphin from the 4-Islands stock was observed with a band of debris around its rostrum preventing it from opening its mouth (Bradford and Lyman, 2019). 1201 NE Lloyd Boulevard, Suite 1100 . Most individual species tend to localize by depth more than latitude. Given NMFS's assessment in 2012 proposed LOF that interactions were likely `occasional', combined with more recent information, the Commission recommends that NMFS reclassify the Category III Hawaii troll fishery as a Category II fishery. NMFS adds three stocks to the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category II AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands Pacific cod pot fishery: (1) Bristol Bay stock of harbor seal, (2) Western North Pacific stock of humpback whale, and (3) Central North Pacific stock of humpback whale. In non-exempted waters, risk reduction can be calculated based on implemented changes to gear configurations, and if that risk reduction is substantial enough, NMFS could revisit the fishery classification in a future LOF. This unique population is cut off from its historical spawning and rearing habitat, and faces many other threats, but efforts are underway to help it recover. NOAA Fisheries and the Pacific Fishery Management Counciloversee the management of West Coast groundfish in U.S. federal waters. Where can I find specific information on fisheries listed on the LOF? Aurioles-Gamboa, D. and C. J. Hernadez-Camacho. Many fisheries operate in both U.S. waters and on the high seas, creating some overlap between the fisheries listed in Tables 1 and 2 and those in Table 3. From killer whales slicing through waves to salmon jumping rapids on their journey home, marine life fills and defines the waters of the West Coast. Flatfish: 12 species including petrale sole, Dover sole, starry flounder, arrowtooth flounder, and Pacific sanddab. Comment 8: HLA recommends NMFS remove the Central North Pacific humpback whale stock from the list of species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category II HI shallow-set longline fishery. is increasingly concentrated into fewer and younger ages, which may . Bottlenose dolphin, Mississippi Sound, Lake Borgne, Bay Boudreau. NMFS is proposing a schedule of RFDs for every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday from July 1, 2023, through November 30, 2023. In accordance with the Companion Manual for NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A, NMFS determined that publishing this LOF qualifies to be categorically excluded from further NEPA review, consistent with categories of activities identified in Categorical Exclusion G7 (Preparation of policy directives, rules, regulations, and guidelines of an administrative, Start Printed Page 3053financial, legal, technical, or procedural nature, or for which the environmental effects are too broad, speculative or conjectural to lend themselves to meaningful analysis and will be subject later to the NEPA process, either collectively or on a case-by-case basis) of the Companion Manual and we have not identified any extraordinary circumstances listed in Chapter 4 of the Companion Manual for NAO 216-6A that would preclude application of this categorical exclusion. Harbor seal, GOA. Bottlenose dolphin, Northern GMX continental shelf. The West Coast is home to a variety of seabird species. 03/03/2023, 159 Harbor seal, WNA. Bottlenose dolphin, GMX bay, sound, and estuarine. Southeastern U.S. Atlantic shark gillnet. In addition, the spotted dolphin stock considered in 2011, was later split into four stocks (three insular and one pelagic) in the 2013 SAR, and each of the insular stocks is likely to have a smaller PBR than the estimates used in 2012 proposed LOF. Bottlenose dolphin, Biscayne Bay estuarine. Jaclyn Taylor, Office of Protected Resources, 301-427-8402; Allison Rosner, Greater Atlantic Region, 978-281-9328; Jessica Powell, Southeast Region, 727-824-5312; Dan Lawson, West Coast Region, 206-526-4740; Suzie Teerlink, Alaska Region, 907-586-7240; Diana Kramer, Pacific Islands Region, 808-725-5167.
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nmfs west coast region species list