Is it your time management? These are goals relating to office work, which is a primary duty of an administrative assistant. This makes me think of the "No More Valentines" article from Morgan L. Donaldson in the Educational Leadership journal from May 2010.More to come, 9. However, many of them are general enough to be applied to anyone who wants to succeed in life. While in an administrative assistant position, youre in a great place to continue your education because youre able to see how different departments work and potentially find your niche or passion within the business. Do some research to get a sense of what you want to learn and what will be useful to your work. n"qmAl student learning goals. But, without proper communication from other team members, these valuable employees dont always know whats expected from themespecially if theyre left out of important daily or weekly meetings where employees come together to discuss the current state of affairs. The following are illustrative examples of smart goals. Goal: report customer satisfaction to show the value of service improvement initiatives. Efficiency? 09/2021 to 12/2022. Use the 80/20 Rule to evaluate time and/or task management. 1. We have new staff on board at our school and changes have been occurring. We have been studying the work of Jensen and using his suggestions to help with the discipline with our kiddos. Relevant. Here is a snapshot of average assistant principal salaries: $88,585. This is my new mantra to read everyday. The above examples are one-sentence vision statements. To use my strong organizational skills to provide effective leadership as an Assistant Principal. 7. This SMART goal may involve some research on new vendors to use for supplies or some education for staff to reduce their waste when it comes to office supplies and other expenses. Assistant Principal, Hendrickson High School. They're responsible for assisting in the development of curriculum, overseeing the school's academic performance and creating strategies to achieve goals and ensuring a productive and educational learning environment. One administrative assistant may be expected to manage all office operations such as scheduling, filing taxes and other legal paperwork, performing bookkeeping tasks, and coordinating company events, while another may be expected to answer the phone and greet visitors as they come in the door in addition to some other minor tasks. To improve my skills with creating publications and invitations for our company, I will learn how to use Photoshop or Illustrator by the end of this year. District Provision for Assistant Principal Professional Development Provision of 2000 2002 2004 Activities Yes No Yes No Yes No Elementary 33/32% 66/67% 20/22% 70/78% 26/40% 39/60% MAP feedback is a lot faster until waiting until June to get the results. Professional Experience Having SMART goals will help you make the most of your time in your current position to prepare you for greater responsibilities in the future. Check it outAssistant Principalsin Indiana as Change Leaders: The Need for Professional Development is exactly what we are learning. 4.7 #7: Learn How to Give Great Feedback. Keep the following things in mind as youre creating actionable goals that are unique to your professional vision in your role as an administrative assistant and for moving forward. Harvard Business Review. Each goal and action plan together should answer the following questions. Are your MAP assessments based on the CCSS? :). Take on the responsibility of leading a team. I am sharing about Marzanos research on change. For many assistant principals, the move to the role comes straight from the classroom, the counseling office, or a dean position. When establishing personal goals, it's important to develop attainable and measurable goals to determine your progress towards these goals. 4.1 #1: Learning New Skills. Some perceptions that occur in the building are team spirit, cooperation, and common language is deteriorating. Specific - Clear, well-defined, and precise. Being satisfied as a professional doesnt necessarily mean striving for constant achievement and earning promotions. Here are some concrete goals you might aspire to: Read two books in your field in a quarter, Listen to one podcast on a relevant topic a week, Find 10 experts in your field on Twitter to follow. Coursera. John Spacey, October 12, 2018. What skill you choose to develop can depend on your industry, job, and personal preferences. It is always been culturally acceptable that it is to hard to get building leaders to improve. MAP data gained off of the Arkansas Standards would seem irrelevant to me? An achievable goal is one that you have the skills and resources to accomplish within the given time frame. Leadership assessment is just as important as teacher assessment.2. Performance standards define the criteria expected when principals and assistant principals perform their major duties. An educational assistant's professional growth plan must include. ?}vp2RE]k/K@aP?H`i$ f|F>J ;}B"C &D)cVf^! All of the other hats were important and vital to the school success, but a positive school culture was imperative and in turn "enables the other areas to also achieve noteworthy outcomes. A few of the many ways in which professional growth efforts will help you in the workplace include that it can: Help you learn new skills that will support you as you advance in your career. S: This goal demonstrates a specific thing that you want to do to increase your efficiency as an employee.M: This goal is measured by the completion of a course prior to the end of the second quarter.A: This is an achievable goal.R: Seeing as many companies use Excel to create reports and there are a lot of formulas and tools you can use with this program, it would be very relevant to your success as an administrative assistant to know how to use this program.T: This goal has a specific deadline of the end of the second quarter. I agree with Mindset. One more thingI am finishing up "Learning From Lincoln" and it is definitely on my recommended books to read list. Expand professional knowledge and training. Phone: (260) 414-5234 | [email] 191 Addison Road | Fort Wayne, IN 46801. 9VXf14bVP4qtq;$S>=>[g H\e@Lx M4FI-3U=r*(\XqQ#$~vIv,}b-5;mMd!*0t`>}1eC:z'wyqLz2 Administrative goals can help an office run more efficiently. This approach can have drastic effect on student achievment.4. Measure your success in clear, coherent terms (This is . article by Du Four talks about his experience as a school leader and making sure that we are asking the right questions. endobj Assistant Principal/Lead Teacher Resume. cluster is Professional Capacity of School Personnel, Professional Community for Teachers and Staff, Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community, and Operations and Management. Ideas and successful practices from principals in the Master Principal Program. Intellectual Property Watch. I also want to know how you guys are making RTI more systematic. The goal samples that follow include reference to the actions to be taken in order to meet the goal. This will be measured by the number of people who RSVP to events or open publication emails.. 2e h\-2 chT"TF9=! Az9pttHHr&]N'$niE*LrgG$6(cH4| OIejM}Qa0!4 aHtvffWWn;04Y) QF=(d2"srY_/33Nf}">`zc~#@5uj):34thhmKC>edRR;4^foZoSbu.5kA :|BTF1yJM*B|0](5|:=QJ= L'J*@!*%e`aF -5U%SF4\m ,zZ")@8|F4}o:BNk7lN\[ We also have the ADE survey completed by parents during the annual review conferences. These time limits will help prevent procrastination and motivate you to get to work. Jason,While I think I agree with this shift, it makes using MAP as a valid measure of progress more difficult. According to, the average pay for assistant principals by state varies from $54,751 to $77,478. This example may be better for the more visual learner. ~Lvb)e|U=b_:CXfW:~w`W2_>OeWx|K:G''sd/^Ik.ny$LiL#"'wI]@YI2$*`x+ Model Certified Evaluation Plan Pulaski County High School. If these publications look sloppy, there is a good chance that people will see the company as being sloppy as well. We have talked about doing this as well. Not just EVALUATIONS, but feedback. The report states that most principals feel the job is too complex and has changed drastically over the last past years, including the right to control the heart of the school. We must help our positive staff members stay positive and grow them as teacher leaders during a time of change. 4.5 #5: Learn How Things Work in the Workplace. Knowing your strengths will allow you to leverage them to your advantage. SMART Goal - By May 2014, there will be 2 surveys sent to the teachers of Cooper Elementary School to determine both general and special education satisfaction with collaboration and resulting student achievement of students receiving special education services. NWEA only considers the Fall-Spring to be a valid measure of growth but without the mid-year measure, we are no better off than we were with the Benchmark or ITBS. It discusses the "Less is More" approach in education. The)WCGrowth)Goal)statement)shouldbe)specificto)the)principal)and)should)identifythe)specificgrowth)that)the)principal)plansto)accomplish) inthe2Ayear)cycleof)TELLKentucky.) A career path is a sequence or series of job positions held leading to your short-term and long-term professional goals. What is most frustrating to me about bus discipline is we have to deal with it at all! Realistic goal setting helps with the all of the following: Ensure teacher compliance with state-mandated professional development requirements for license renewal. Earn a certification, license, or degree. $.[7Z){cM/;c3$G0K[\Y]MVO4'[msd8\#&%EFqN`7yi5/SsItWE6_d$97H;qYN2$Rp Hya7h{nP t:B `R22|x/1"Q~TTk5:kmp[#1 y co7QX'>sb,fm<=XB=1a{\1'ti.VQ:+n 8"1|a>J?i1g#\a;)!JMN:0D9FHSsQYNfbxNnl{9LRWG(thgDNV;?4mO1}@Q?k#-2N!7R!UC9Wan#e0KYLS +3+gt&(v+unwFI? Meet with supervisor for feedback. 1 0 obj When second order change is occurring, only 7 of the 21 responsibilities are emphasized. Substitute Assistant Principal Alhambra Unified School District - Alhambra, CA. Shadowing another department can have myriad positives: it can encourage communication and cooperation across siloed teams, inspire ways to improve your own team, and leave you with a better understanding of how your organization works., Ask three people from different departments to lunch, Create a program in your workplace to encourage cross-team shadowing, A mentor can help you navigate challenges in the workplace and help you progress in your career.. S: This goal answers the questions of who, what, when, where, and why.M: This goal is measured by the number of people who are responsive to the communications.A: This is an achievable goal.R: If the company takes the time and money to host an event or create a publication, they need it to have a great first impressionwhich is where the initial email or invitation comes in.T: This goal has a specific deadline of the end of the year. We will be redoing our RTI packet this summer and this is something we could also add to that process. Part II of Doug Reeves - The Changing Role of the Principal Today6. The administrative assistant works for the manager of human resources. You can start enrolling in hundreds of free courses after you sign up for Coursera. _&gc;u\/[%/IUDZ>l}>va%ILWhb?Vu L{Ma;2N#3#r4OU&!Fd!IV@_wL+j0;6#nZ6r'd7awk2k$9U{^U-?+S[qo]$u Looking forward to hearing some good ideas. Below is a guide to assist you in creating a concise resume that covers all those areas. Example Goal #2. You have been placed in your current position to lead change (even if it is only taking care of discipline), and change lives! 10 Examples of Performance Goals. Constant feedback to colleages is so important. Increase decisiveness by outlining exactly what's important.

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assistant principal professional goals examples

assistant principal professional goals examples