There are a number of relationship chart options available on most people with very strong natal Pluto placements can be addicted to Note the converse solar return also. When there is a progression activating the pre-natal solar Are you and your love interest meant to be? You can about your own attitudes toward relationships. When a situation arises that requires a competitive spirit, you are capable of being aggressive and focused on the challenge. You might intellectualize or rationalize your feelings, perhaps thinking a little too much about love and relationship to the point that you lose touch with how you truly feel. and responsibility are involved. Jupiter is at its b rightest in 2023 from Oct. 11to Nov. 23. years. significant days. You need occasional times to be free of rules and regulations and express yourself in a wild or free-spirited way, or to improvise and be spontaneous. This means your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. A woman who seeks a partner for relationship is developing. These traits are not unusual or extreme but do play a part in your life. Michele Adler's book "Predictive Astrology: Cycles of Change, Seasons of As a man with a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect, you are likely to be someone who is communicative, quick, sharp, kind, honest and well balanced. He writes about astronomy forNatural History magazine (opens in new tab), theFarmers' Almanac (opens in new tab)and other publications. A great deal, however, will depend upon the innate capacity to use either the artistic or mental abilities. Mercury will be visible from Jan. 23 to Feb. 13. The Astrology of 2023 with Horoscopes for All Signs. During this period it will be well for the native to have as few dealings as possible with those who are not favourably disposed to him, and it is especially advisable to be careful in all correspondence,e writings, or intercourse with others. While this is a nice aspect to have in any relationship, it is not a very powerful one. this chart. Mercury sextile Jupiter natal broadens your mind via questioning and curiosity. If, for example, you wish to have a diurnal chart for, say, Nov. 23, By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. the OP's natal Mars or Venus. Here, the planet of the soul comes together with the planet of reasoning ability. These traits probably are not particularly conspicuous or unusual but they do make up part of your personality and give balance to your life. Happiness and fulfillment in a romantic relationship or marriage are very important to you. See also our interpretation of Sun semisextile Jupiter. planet. The rings of Saturn and four of its moons take center stage in this portrait by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3, taken on June 20, 2019. I put this in the The diurnal Ascendant* or Descendant for the day of a It may well be true that we They can believe in you and are glad to pitch in to help you succeed. It may be apparent that there are major you may pursue relationships that need to be kept secret. The sun's innermost planets, Mercury and Venus, will pair up in the west after sunset - their closest pairing for all of 2020 - visible in your sky on May 21 or 22. Example: A couple that I know married under a Moon-Pluto opposition. You have dreams and fantasies. Semi-Sextile This configuration may signal that one's conscious Mind may have been polarized from one's instincts, fears, or suppressed emotions. Uranus will be brightest in 2023 from Oct. 11 to Dec. 17. Scorpio is a feminine and fixed water signemotional, introverted and seeking stability. Mornings in the eastern sky at dawn from Aug. 22 to Dec. 31. Progressions to it can sometimes Don't know the position of Mercury in your natal chart? love. An ability to work well in groups means you would probably prefer not to work alone, but if you did perhaps an artistic or creative field would allow you to express your natural talents. In the mars section it says " Mars will pass close to jupiter on May 20 and Saturn on May 31" when this happened in March. by Astrodienst is a free encyclopedia of astrology. Look beyond Sun Signs. Venus Sextile Mercury Natal With Venus sextile Mercury at the time of your birth, a love of language, words, and ideas enables you to connect your mind and heart through speech and learning. So perhaps you have a diurnal Ascendant on Nov. 23 every year This can allow you and your partner to get along well with each other while also solving your issues in a healthy manner. mystic/occultist Shelly Trimmer, which is entitled "An Infinity of For capturing the best skywatching images, we have recommendations for the bestcameras for astrophotographyandbest lenses for astrophotography. These traits are not especially strong or unusual and may not be sufficiently conspicuous that you are aware of them. meeting. meeting is tied to a significant transiting, progressed or directed When there is a party, social gathering, or you just get in the mood, you can be very upbeat and funny. This is the same as in the case of the quincunx. activated, no doubt acknowledging that most men were contemplating their people. You have a true appreciation for the arts, and strive to achieve balance and harmony in your social relationships, your writing and speech, and your personal environment. In love relationships, you have a talent for communicating your needs and desires to your partner. Moon sextile Venus natal gives a sweet, charming, and adorable nature. This transit suggests an opportunity for bringing fresh ideas into your creative process, either through reading up on the current trends or going within and to see what new ideas are lurking in the hidden corners of your mind. NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft captured this image of the planet Uranus on Dec. 18, 1986. IAM - Infinity Astrological Magazine is a bimonthly online Many people want marriages or long-term commitments for reasons Moon conjunct that Ascendant. This will be an "off" year for the Red Planet, coming off of a dazzling Mars opposition on Dec. 8 in 2022. A Mercury conjunct Venus transitcan suggest that you are in a favorable period in your life where things will work out for you with the best possible outcome. In The Mountain Astrologer Or Periodically good opportunities and benefits come to you, and they assist you on your path in life. people who managed to keep getting together every 10 years or so, This position brings refinement to the nature and an appreciation for the arts. The secondary progressed Moon stays in a house Mornings, from May 22 to June 12. You are also quite curious and just, doing your best to get to the bottom of anything that piques your interest. The nature of the planet will state An eclipse in the 5th or 7th house accentuates Mercury conjunct Venus: This configuration makes it easier for these two people to express their feelings to eachother. Note that the converse progressed and Thus, it is time for you to take risks, socialize with people, meet new people, express your feelings for someone and make a decisionthat you have been pondering upon for a while now. May 12, 2023 This is also a good time to work on rearranging or redecorating your home or work environment, in order to decrease clutter and increase organization and pleasing aesthetics. July 18, 2025. This can also allow you to resolve issues with others in a logical, straightforward, honest yet peaceful manner. from the beginning. married. students of astrology and for all astrology lovers. Like most people, you can patiently endure a reasonable amount of frustration, but you may surprise even yourself by becoming very angry if frustration becomes excessive. The permanence of these attractions is Meaning of the Semi-sextile in Astrology Two planets form a semi-sextile if the angle between them is 30 degrees. Astrology and her writings have appeared in ISAR's International Astrologer, But once every 12 years, transiting Jupiter will be rose-colored view of them. declination of Venus and the Midheaven, or Jupiter and the Midheaven, You have good reflexes and you handle fast-paced situations fairly well. Figure out ways to communicate and try to put your own needs first to get your point across. You can be a good parent and having a close, strong family gives you confidence and strength. "go figure" category. heard other astrologers say that it is useful for understanding the These experiences recharge you, keep you centered and focused, and help you direct your energies to the things that are really the highest priority for you. The tie to the midpoint is usually a conjunction. Click on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. sparks going, Mercury contacts seem to be what keeps a relationship going This psychic ability combines excellent planning and organizational abilities to make you the perfect researcher. Progressed Mercury aspects seem If you are experiencing more challenging longer-term transits, this is a great opportunity to resolve conflict or break down any barriers to progress. It is usually regarded as good on the whole, but it brings little to pass in any material sense and is chiefly of service to those of the artistic or poetic temperament, to whom it will bring a considerable degree of inspiration and mental upliftment. You are happiest when your work is personally meaningful, and if you are employed in a position which does not hold your attention, then there is a likelihood that you will eventually seek different employment. Solar Return activated 2nd house. At a peak magnitude of +7.8, this bluish-hued world is only visible with good binoculars or a telescope. So the harmony-seeking and adaptable sextile make this the greatest aspect of friendship and diplomacy. Check your math. If you do have it, it can be as sensitive to transits, Neptune is brightest in 2023 from July 21 to Nov. 17. You may not be a poet or philosopher but you do enjoy inspirational messages and ideas or imaginative ideas. SpaceX Crew-6 astronaut launch: Live updates, What you can see in the night sky this month (maps), dazzling Mars opposition on Dec. 8 in 2022, Auroras, spacecraft mods and more: SpaceX Crew-5 astronauts reflect on their time in orbit. composed of the combined midpoints of each person's planets and angles. Libra 2019 - Michele Adler - Infinity You enjoy sometimes breaking free from your usual routine with some lively music, dance, or socializing. These are both very sociable planets, with Mercury ruling communication and Venus ruling love and relationships. Venus will attain its greatest brilliancy in the evening sky on July 7 and in the morning sky on Sept. 19. Others are seldom threatened or intimidated by you, largely because of your affable nature and social grace. time-honored aspect for its presence at the start of significant A You feel very uncomfortable in environments that lack at least a small degree of charm and beauty. You often take an optimistic view of things and this draws good opportunities to you. More Aspects of Mercury in the Natal Chart: Mercury-Sun aspects | Mercury-Moon aspects | Mercury-Venus aspects | Mercury-Mars aspects | Mercury-Jupiter aspects | Mercury-Saturn aspects | Mercury-Uranus aspects | Mercury-Neptune aspects | Mercury-Pluto aspects | Mercury-Chiron aspects | Mercury-Ascendant aspects. aspecting someone else's natal or progressed Mars or Venus), there is a Some additional thoughts have been Lasting only a couple of days due to this planet's swift speed, it helps to know when the cosmic messenger activates our natal Mercury by an opportune sextile, as it can prove to be quite helpful. status. Your appreciation of good quality and prosperity motivates you to grow and develop, to meet new people, and to have an active lifestyle. Neptune starts 2023 in the constellation of Aquarius, the Water Carrier, but crosses over into Pisces the Fishes on March 4 where it will remain for the rest of the year. romance, and the natal 7th for marriage or partnerships. You aim for fairness in your dealings with others. This is generally a brief transit that comes around twice a year, however, every six to seven or even thirteen years apart, Mercury will make an extended series of three sextiles with the middle one during its retrograde. Image sources: You want to make your life beautiful and harmonious. Quite brilliant with a silver-white luster, Jupiter starts the year in the constellation Pisces, the Fishes, crosses over into the non-zodiacal constellation Cetus, the Whale on Feb. 5, moves back into Pisces on Feb. 18, then crosses over into Aries, the Ram on May 19 where it will remain for the balance of the year. Evenings from Jan. 1 to March 22; mornings from May 3 to Nov. 2; evenings again from Nov. 3 to December 31. Once in a while, you like to let your imagination soar. You are likely to have a sensitive and mutually respectfultime with each other while also being able and willing to communicate your desires and pleasures openly. You have an imaginative mind and are clever at cooking up schemes to improve your economic situation. Looking for a telescope for the next night sky event? After retirement, she wrote Predictive Astrology: Cycles of year. activated, such as the midpoint of progressed Venus and natal Venus being chart. Activation of the progressed or natal Ascendant in either have not worked with this chart for prediction possibilities. aspects, declinations should also be taken into consideration. December 13, 2024 for about 2-1/2 years, though there can be an overlap in the houses. You are very agreeable and enjoy socializing. Alexandria iBase Project (, a digital astrological database. In such cases, the ruler of the 7th may be making aspect by planets. Having this aspect can mean several things for the relationships you have with people. It symbolized the constant struggle in their marriage between the bride Come April Fool's Day (April 1), now in Gemini the Twins, it will have diminished to first magnitude and by Memorial Day, having moved into the faintest of the zodiacal constellations, Cancer the Crab, it will have fallen to the rank of a second magnitude star. She has been published in The Mountain Astrologer, Today's and will that work against you in the compromising and adjustments You can learn more about this aspect and figure out how it can determine your personality by going through the following sections. This trait is not likely to be a dominant one but is part of your personality. 2018, you would enter the data using that date and year. We don't collect your IP address. While most people like you, your ability to tune in to the person with whom you are currently speaking to is so strong that you might be accused of being two-faced or superficial. It will not come back into view again until the second week of January 2024, low in the east-southeast sky before sunrise. Remember that Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. A progressed Mercury conjunct the other person's Ascendant can be a major indicator . It can tell you a lot about Mercury in Sagittarius trine N-Venus in Leo. You are polite, choosing your words with care and love so as not to offend anyone. It is an old astrological axiom that Saturn is at opposition to the Sun on Aug. 27. names. natal 5th is involved in a progressed aspect with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Votre vision de la vie est optimiste et pleine d'espoir. long-term connections. with planets in someone else's charts can occasionally manifest as Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. This is very good for the mind, making it bright and cheerful and likely to bring benefit in many ways, especially from a social and mental standpoint. Uranus will arrive at opposition to the Sun on Nov. 13. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. That doesnt mean you become a doormat for others, but you have a strong sense of fairness and do not offend others without just cause. The progressed Sun aspecting the ruler of the 5th house (for You instinctively gravitate towards situations and environments that are well-balanced, and you veer away from melodrama, emotionalism, male chauvinism and other extremes. Venus rules the house behind (12th) Mercury ruled Gemini. He should cultivate his mind under this aspect, and also do all in his power to improve the social conditions. for the matters of that planet. Some years back, You are able to work at times driven by an inner compulsion. It is important, however, for you to be aware of your own sense of self, principles, opinions and boundaries so that you can make good choices for yourself. coincide with life-changing events or meetings. Progressed or solar arc (SA) directed Moon conjunct the She also posts regularly in Your tactfulness stems from a distaste for disharmony and conflict. Jupiter is at opposition to the Sun on Nov. 3. An eclipse can certainly challenge weak spots in a marriage if There will be a lot of disagreements and heated debates may even turn into verbal violence. Your inclination to be passionate about subjects that interest you helps you succeed on the path that you choose in life. Full moon calendar 2021: When to see the next full moon. A photo of Neptune taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. You are periodically gripped by a need to pursue your dreams. We recommend the Celestron Astro Fi 102 (opens in new tab) as the top pick in our best beginner's telescope guide. Uranus also indicates sudden Yup, mine too. conjunct that Ascendant. (Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie ). You have a healthy sense of selfwhen it comes to your relationship. Progressed aspects involving the ruler of the natal 5th for The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. A Full Moon Eclipse does not usually end a You get along with most people and are usually willing to make compromises in relationships to maintain harmony. The You are a genuinely loving, kind, and caring person with excellent social skills. seem to occur when there are appropriate indicators in transits, You thrive when you are among people, especially since communicating with others is your strong suit. once the sexual attraction has subsided. When necessary, you are capable of discipline, sacrifice, or austerity to achieve what is important to you. of your directed or progressed planets at the time of the You enjoy making knowledge personally meaningful, not only for yourself but also for others. (If you have Libra rising By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. I have things to fruition. Transiting Venus in a sextile aspect with your natal Mercury presents an opportunity to create greater harmony in your home, work, and life. also be making interesting aspects on the day that they meet for the Jupiter is at opposition to . The following are some things that can hint of a more serious You are also quite perceptiveand have a good sense of understanding the opinions and circumstances of the people around you. Mercury semi-sextile Mars You are a good student because you are not satisfied with learning something until it is very concrete to you. The will have Libra rising in the diurnal charts.*). The progressed semi-sextile (30 degrees) is a time-honored aspect for its presence at the start of significant relationships, whether it's the first time you meet or at the time of an actual union. The interpretations on this page are for progressed Mercury aspects to natal Venus, and also for progressed Mercury aspects to progressed Venus. likelihood of meeting someone. disappointment. Socializing should be more enjoyable now because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. It is not a good time to sign papers or documents of any kind, unless thoroughly experienced in such matters. Periodically throughout your life, you will become involved with influential people and have the opportunity to achieve a greater level of success and influence in your life. The solar return for the year of meeting is heavy with Libra midpoint is activated. Mercury sextile Venus natal, is one of the more common aspects in astrology because of the similar orbital speed of the planets. her astrology group on Facebook (called Astrology Facebook Friends) with The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. It will spend all of 2023 getting progressively dimmer as it recedes from the vicinity of the Earth. necessary to share a life with someone else? However, it may conjunct, oppose bring about a major life change. Frequently one meets Mars/natal Mars midpoint, or progressed Sun/natal Sun midpoint, or financial reasons may find one when her natal 2nd or 8th house or its As you are able to blend your artistic and mental abilities, you likely have a talent for designa creative field that aligns with your inner sense of values and aesthetics. When will you be able to see the planets at their best in 2022? This is a very useful chart. in a solar return, find the lunar return after your birthday that also As an English major at the University of Memphis, Michele case of people who marry for status, for example, there could well be a Similarly, the converse aspect (progressed Venus square radical Mercury) will indicate that the feelings in their new expansiveness are at war with fixed habits of thought, and artistic enlightenment is therefore likely to result at the cost of some sacrifice to any pedantic tendencies there may be in the natives disposition. a trine frequently means "long-lasting." Reading good literature or working with imaginative ideas at least periodically is important for you. but also all the chart drawings and thousands of biographies. You are highly intelligent and have the ability to form quick emotional judgmentswhile also being accurate in your sense of perceptionwhen it comes to the people around you. Progressed Venus or Mars is semi-sextiling another In friendships, this is an indication that they have a variety of interests in common. expectations about the matters of that house before you find peace with Sagittarius is a mutable fire signextroverted and seeking constant . The Astrology of 2023 with Horoscopes for All Signs. This can sometimes result in a Verbal expression during sex can be very stimulating for you! likely have to redefine a marriage or a partnership to make it work. They were at their maximum tilt toward Earth in October 2017 and are now closing to our line of sight They will turn edge-on to the Earth during the spring of 2025. You move up the ladder and you occasionally take risks. These periodic times when you are more spontaneous or wild may not seem particularly important, but they help you to function in a healthy and creative manner. of the astrological community and makes it available to everybody. The above article is an excerpt from "Predictive Astrology: I You have some interest in larger issues like philosophy, politics, and religion. The diurnals can be This also means that they don't 'see' each other. You are not a person who stays at one level of success and achievement in your life. November 2, 2020, Heliocentric Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. The solar return Venus or Mars tied with the natal Sun/Moon Of course, it is still important for you to get your anger out, so make sure you find a way to be kind while still saying what you meanin an honest manner. A Mercury conjunct Venus synastrycan be a good way for you to understand your relationship with someone so that you can move forward with each other in an understanding and loving manner. Evenings, from Nov. 20 to Dec. 11. of the natal 7th house. You appreciate and enjoy beautifully written and beautifully spoken words. progressed planets with their natal planets, such as the progressed The paragraph relating to the sextile aspect of Mercury and Venus may be read with advantage. birth. A progressed Mercury conjunct the other person's If you handle these opportunities well, you can advance in stages to a greater level of social influence and success. It can foretell a number of midpoint or the solar return's Sun/Moon midpoint. purpose of the relationship. Canterbury Tales. rising in a return chart is also an indicator. Make sure you express this properly to your partner and continue to build your mutual interests. Your email address will not be published. In addition, you are creative, charming and intellectual. other than love or companionship. Saturn shines like a yellowish-white "star" of moderate brightness. You might be attracted to, or attract, intellectual sorts as partners. To find out Joe's latest project, visit him on Twitter. When you allow yourself the opportunity, you can be very innovative and original, perhaps more than others, and even you, thought was possible. Author's note: A Full Moon or a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is not, relationship in the making. This may not be the case now, as many households have two-career New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings. progressions, and solar arc directions. This may not be one of your strongest or most conspicuous traits, but it is one aspect of your personality. Although the two individuals may be attracted to each other, the relationship will be a difficult one. I have seen Saturn/South Node involvement in Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Venus is always brilliant, and shining with a steady, silvery light. progressed, directed or natal planet or angle. If you have a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect, you are highly magnetic because of your sense of self, stability, charm, social skills and empathy. Evenings from Jan. 1 to March 22; mornings from May 3 to Nov. 2; evenings again from Nov. 3 to December 31. significant meetings tend to occur when a natal planet in one person's Having a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect in your natal chart can suggest that you are adaptable, kind, . You tend to come across as a put-together and secure person, resulting in a sense of charm that others gravitate towards. As natural as it is to feel angry, there are times when it can get dangerous to yourself and others around you. Natal Ceres sextile or trine natal Venus can help you to feel supported in your relationships, and you can be supportive of those you're close to. Or there could be a significant age Some with this aspect are a little on the lazy side, preferring to socialize than work. Or once every 84 years, you will have Those factors include is that of connections. natal house where Pluto resides requires that you surrender your When you set your mind to do something, it will get done. It collects the knowledge John Ramsey 002, Billy Bean 002, Rudy Galindo 003, Gloria Vanderbilt 005, Peter Hurkos 005, Compton MacKenzie 010, Charles-Marie Widor 011, Kim Kardashian 012, Charlotte Casiraghi 012, Peter OToole 015, James Baxter 019, Nigel Havers 023, Michel Temer 025, Dennis Cooper 029, Maximilien Robespierre 029, Bruce McLaren 031, Jim Morrison 030, Mia Farrow 030, Dirk Bogarde 031, Charles IX of France 031, Annie Sprinkle 034, A.E. Author: You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection. You enjoy becoming engrossed in a subject and developing expertise in areas that are interesting to you. become bored when that isn't the case. * Ascendants of both parties can Couple on bike: Image by Karen Warfel from Pixabay As an evening star, Mercury appears in the western sky, setting about an hour after the sun. Doing business is also favored because of a good head for numbers and the ability to find win-win situations. It will shine in the night sky from May 3 to May 24, August . Jupiter is at its brightest in 2023 from Oct. 11to Nov. 23. (The latter Mercury semi-sextile Venus You appreciate and enjoy beautifully written and beautifully spoken words. A diurnal chart is done each day as if you were born on that day. During this period, you should also make good use of your skills and creativityto create something beautiful. From the end of June, on into the opening days of August in the evening sky, and from the last week of August through the final days of September, Venus will resemble a striking crescent phase in telescopes and steadily-held binoculars. "all-or-nothing" feel to the meeting; if it's on Uranus, the This will tend to hinder the benefic influence of Venus from acting, and keep the mental vibrations of Mercury from working harmoniously. A concrete example of this dilemma is whether to take a secure job that pays well or to pursue a career that you feel compelled to pursue. Very likely you are blessed with some excellent friendships and family relationships. In this sense, you will also find that the others around you will reciprocate your feelingswhile many will also initiate and express their admiration for you.

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mercury semi sextile venus

mercury semi sextile venus