"Theme - Purpose": The theme of Revelation is the revelation of the person and the prophetic And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great ( Revelation 19:5 ). "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is an eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth unto destruction." The New Testament is the "last will and testament" of Jesus, and to God is praised because salvation, glory, and power belong to him. I speak not of anything that might be deemed exceptional or peculiar, but of two acts of raising saints. The twelve apostles of the Lamb will accordingly have their own special place. The word is pantokrator ( G3841) , literally the one who controls all things. In short, it is as we saw in Revelation 17:1-18, after Babylon had been brought before us in the course of the prophecy. true sayings of God.". Begin by reading the Introduction first. Revelation 19:1 "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God:" In the last chapter, we saw the terrible destruction of commercial and political Babylon symbolized by its capital city of Babylon. "And no curse shall be any more: and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him." The iron rod is showing his ability to protect them. Accordingly, "Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me." The fine linen the bride is clothed in represents the righteous acts of the It is impossible to refer it to the past with any show even of reasonable probability, I will not say of reality or truth. Thus the attempt to apply it during the pagan period is altogether futile on the face of the matter. We will in that day when He returns and all of the vast military might of the world gathered and assembled together to destroy Him at His coming and He just speaks the Word and it is all over. Where Hallelujah occurs in the Old Testament it is translated by Praise God, but here in this chapter the original Hebrew form, transliterated into Greek, is retained. All the dispensational names of God disappear. You must with the best authorities leave out this addition, if you would have the true force of the verse. The account given of Babylon inRevelation 17:1-18; Revelation 17:1-18 does not follow Revelation 14:1-20 or Revelation 16:1-21 in point of prophetic time, but differs from them in structure. We have one final little battle here to take place in chapter nineteen. Christ is described by two words. We find that Jesus is called the faithful witness. Yet grace despised necessarily ends in judgment. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Revelation 19. It is not the gospel, nor the Holy Spirit, but the lawless revived Latin empire with its vassal kingdoms of the west, that combine and destroy Babylon. I expect to be there in that heavenly scene declaring, "Alleluia, salvation and glory and honor and power unto the Lord our God.". Salvation is simple. Any other intermediary than Jesus Christ between God and man must be utterly opposed. The principle upon which this verse-by-verse study of Revelation proceeds, is that the contents of the book are, in the main, yet future and that the fulfillment of the greater part of Revelation cannot take place as long as the Church remains here on earth. There is nothing more to hear of nations; nothing more to do with separate countries, kindreds, or tongues. essence of all true prophecy. this that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength?" This is known so well, and on such decided grounds, that it would be unbecoming to withhold the fact. God is going to be fair and just. Worship: Only God is to be worshiped (compare 22:8-9; And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). The blessing given could not be taken back. There are always those who are ready to challenge the fairness of it. In Daniel's time, and even to Daniel himself, the book was sealed. "Why did the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing, for they have gathered together against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, Let us break His bands asunder, let us cast off His law from us; but He who sits in the heavens will laugh for He will have the nations in derision. That pagan Rome, therefore, should set itself against Christianity was to be expected, and so the fact proved. It is really differing imagery Verse 6. It is reigning. But still we have not the end of Babylon yet. It should be, "and shall be present. "I will raise him up at the last day." If you preach on prophecy, you are bringing the testimony of Jesus. The armies of heaven are the hosts of the angels. He is crowned as conqueror. Past history therefore in no way suits the prophecy. But we can understand that the Lord could and did make that little go far, and do no little good. At the same time the attempt to apply Babylon to ancient Rome is almost as unhappy; and for a plain reason. He is coming forth in indisputable human glory, but the greatest care is taken to let us know that He had that which was above man above the creature; for "no man knoweth the Son but the Father." "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And I have to apologize sometimes for my judgments. 8:38, Paul often used some of the most extreme things such as life and death to make a point. But for the eternal judgment heaven and earth are fled away; and then we see the new and eternal universe. Since then the world has not seen the imperial power to which all bow. He just said it, "Let there be light," and light existed.And in the Hebrew it is even more intensive. And John heard it as the voice of many waters or rushing waters and the voice of mighty thunderings.Glory. So it is imputed righteousness given to you by your faith in Christ. I have examined Him. Why is the word "Lamb" used here to speak of Jesus? Why then is the book of life mentioned? It was the barbarians who brought in the prevalent ideas of liberty as well as feudalism, and accordingly it is they that have firmly stood for freedom; so that all the efforts to reconstitute the empire which have been tried over and over again have hitherto issued in total failure. As any dream or vision has to be interpreted, so does Revelation. But still it is a very solemn fact to read, and that which we are bound to preach that even in the perfect state of eternity, while there is the brightness of the heaven and of the earth into which no evil can enter, you have all the evil that ever has been all the wicked of every clime and of every age cast into the fixed condition of eternal judgment in the lake of fire. Idealists feel that Revelation relates primarily to the church between the first and second coming of Christ. But he ought to have withstood it I do not mean in vengeance (for that belongs to the Lord), but as holily hating the sin itself, yet withal in the deepest compassion for his parent. They have the capacity to stand in the sun. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for night shall not be there. They would have a big dance and party, as they would crush all of the grapes, they would get the juice out of them. . This explains, it seems to me, the wounded head that was afterwards healed. Lord our God:". First, he alone can see the inmost thoughts and desires of any man. III. (1) A mighty angel comes down from heaven. Had it been simply a persecution from pagans, what was there to wonder at in their deadly hatred of the truth and of those who confess it? - Utley, Isaiah 63:1-3; (Source of imagery for the Battle Hymn of the Republic.). and the fullness of the Gentiles will be brought in. In his mind are two things. In fact, we may say, all nations will be desolated by judgments of one kind or another; but for all this the world proceeding for a thousand years with every outward blessing, and the most admirable government administered by the blessed Lord Himself, will issue in the teeming and prosperous races of mankind. It is one of those cases which every now and then appear where God checks and reproves our foolish curiosity, as He alone knows how to do perfectly. The final supper will signify the end of the This testimony here is not Jesus giving it, but we believers who testify of the var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Be wise now therefore, O you kings, be instructed, you rulers of the earth; kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish from the way,Psalms 2:10; Psalms 2:12. to be worshiped (22:8-9; Acts 10:25-26). In our day men prophecy "the end of Christs church", but Christs Word is mightier than any word that men can utter. But first, the first five verses show heaven's response to the judgment of the The angel implies nothing of the sort. Just like, as many other places Supposing, for instance, a drunken father: if the sons had one spark of right feeling, not only must they feel the utmost shame and pain on account of their parent, but they would endeavour (like the sons of Noah who had a due sense of what was proper to their father) to cast some mantle of love over that which they could not deny, yet would not look at, but surely above all things they would watch against that shameful sin. (i) There is love. III. What does the linen garment tell us about salvation? To the Christian this book is not sealed. Choose a verse from 'Revelation 19' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on StudyLight.org. And then we come to a most cheering disclosure: "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of those beheaded on account of the witness of Jesus, and on account of the word of God: and those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image, and had not received his mark upon their forehead, and on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." And they said Alleluia a second time; and her smoke goeth up unto the ages of the ages." There stands the solemn brand graven, not on the blasphemous beast, but on the forehead of its rider, "Mystery, Babylon the great." Man converted will then not merely reach the natural term if I may so say of a thousand years, but pass that bound. For her sin., have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Verse 10. So here a description is given of the bride, the Lamb's wife, and we learn how it is that God will use her for unmeasured goodness and blessing and glory in the millennium, as the devil during this age has used Babylon to accomplish his wicked plans here below. Other Books of the Bible (i) In certain circles of Judaism the angels had a very large place. Betrothal (often when the couple were children); Presentation (the festivities, often lasting several days, that preceded the This is not unrighteous, but, on the contrary, the highest justice from a divine point of view. The return of Christ to earth 19:11-16. This remains true. by His sacrificial blood. Once again we must remember that this picture is demonstrably painted in Jewish terms. And God said is the recurring phrase in the narrative of creation ( Genesis 1:3; Genesis 1:6; Genesis 1:9; Genesis 1:14; Genesis 1:26). there is rejoicing and giving of honor. - CBSC, the winepress . It was, as H. B. Swete puts it, like "the din of a vast concourse, the roar of a cataract, the roll of thunder.". The very reverse is the undeniable fact. Consequently they sat upon the thrones at once; while the two latter classes, described in the rest of the verse, were still in the separate state "and the souls." This may seem to us a strange metaphor. The answer: because it's the final book of the Bible. There were two particular effects of her evil: the one, illicit commerce with the kings of the earth; the other, intoxicating the inhabitants of the earth with the wine of her fornication. Thus the difference is complete between past history (if we look at the extinction of the empire and the rise of the ten kingdoms) and the certain fulfilment of the prophecy in the future, when we look at what God has really told us. That kings had dallied with her, that the beast had once borne her up, will only turn to gall the more bitter to her, who, faithless to God, had staked the usurped and abused name of Christ to win what was now lost for ever. These angels are going to be interesting creatures to meet, aren't they?

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revelation 19 explained verse by verse

revelation 19 explained verse by verse