What happened to Diane Downs ex-husband? He could then have initiated the licensing process to foster and then adopt the children. I actually do not know what really happened. From what Ive read, she gets a parole hearing every decade and the next time in 2030 she will be 75. You indicated you were not going to get a divorce? Its as if they cant control it. I then question how she would not have blood splatter if she shot them inside the car at close range. On May 19, 1983, Elizabeth Diane Downs and her three small children were shot on a country road near Springfield, Oregon. Therefore, my understanding is that the original sentence is deemed indefinite with parole hearings every 10 years. This is also a faster route to give the children permanency, and is far cheaper for the child welfare system that is always strained by the budget. And he grew up there. A number of them were clearly . Standards of conduct are defined by state law, but they generally require a judge to avoid appearances of impropriety, such as avoiding deciding a dispute in which the judge is personally involved in the issue at stake or has a relationship to one of the parties.. Even if they say that she did not get involved in rehabilitation programs, she did participate, but obviously did not admit to killing her daughter and injuring the others. Would you seriously be confident enough to present your findings you mention in your article to Diane Downs children? Some would say that Diane Downs was condemned because of her lies and inconsistencies, but I think that it was mostly because of her disturbing demeanor and brash personality. Her mom is still alive and would love to have contact but respect that they wont. Why didnt they mention that he said a bad man and whatever else in his condition when they knew it was not possible? (LOL!! I also found it curious that when Diane was first eligible for parole she was allowed to apply every 2 years thereafter until she either gets paroled or dies in prison. The problem was, Diane has a long-documented history of adversely reacting to tranquilizing drugs. The police admitting on the stand that after 2 weeks, they stopped looking at suspects appears to be a fact. The blog tries to bring balance and more objectivity to a case that was TOTALLY one sided and still is. According to The Cinemaholic, Steve was found to not be a good fit to care for his kids who would need specialized care and had been through a very traumatic event. It did not matter that they had no evidence; they did not like her attitude and she was going to pay for it: opinion, not fact Mr. In a fairly good knot which would have taken time to do one handed and teeth. Do you remember a couple of days after that, December This blogger believes in the presumption of innocence and in the possibility of redemption. The implication was not only cruel, in the light of what Diane was suffering, it was also clear. During a trial, we have to go with evidence only. James C. Jagger who was hired by Dianes father was an ex-Prosecutor. The fact that she drove there and it saved the life of two of her children should give anyone pause. And how the letters became so bizarre, paranoid and psychotic that she told Diane to stop writing her. Then feel free to correct the facts and to provide evidence to support them. The GSR? Father of Diane Downs Remains Vigilant After 30 Years (VIDEO) Spending 35 years incarcerated with time in isolation and often as a target is not going to improve mental health. My problem with the circumstances surrounding the crimes against these innocent children is that they were twisted by the media. Besides, none of those diagnoses are illegal. Too bad it triggered you, maybe try to stay away from sites that might not go along with the mob mentality and usual media narrative. So the prosecutor adopted the kids? Due process always matters. Steven and Diane married on November 13, 1973. But Diane couldnt do that. She had a more than competent attorney and a fair trial before a jury and NOT the same judge who handled the childrens matters. Wow. Steve Bannon released from custody pending trial on contempt of He still shouldnt have been allowed to adopt them while the appeals process was ongoing, if he had any role in those cases. She wrote to the governor several times after being dismissed coldly by Hugi and the system. After graduation, Steven joined the Navy and Diane was sent to Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College where she failed miserably at remaining pure and chaste, not unlike most girls of her generation who rejected their strict religious upbringing. Probably a 911 button. As was his habit, Knick failed to take into consideration what Diane or his wife had to say on the matter. I go through every new finding and I point out what was done at trial that did not respect due process. I cannot be more transparent than that and integrity was one of the missing pieces of the entire case. This was ridiculed countless times in the media, but frankly, it can be a very honorable endeavor, depending onhow you want to look at it. Many troubling elements of the case were discovered after the trial, but there was enough during the proceedings to be asking questions. Instead of blaming societal problems and working at finding solutions, prison always seem to be their option. (Yes, speculative). Mr. Downs must have had a bad feeling about Jagger because before trial: speculation I wish she could get a new look. How could they expect a normal mother/daughter reunion between a beaten inmate whose mental health had degraded and a daughter trapped in this insanity? https://t.co/cPfs75obUg pic.twitter.com/uSnlFF2IRw. If the goal was to get rid of them, why didnt she emulate her lesser half in this matter? In the blog, there is a link on the subject of bipolar people who tend to laugh at the wrong time. (Appendix 81, page 1466). She was judged very harshly for her character and her defense was dismal. https://www.google.com/search?q=diane+downs+with+christie+cheryl+and+danny&sxsrf=ACYBGNQDEM3XNQjZXlqNQpYLhZCn7ic5iw:1576689995166&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNuNT427_mAhUcJTQIHbveBMIQ_AUoAXoECA4QAw&biw=1024&bih=462#imgrc=gQkU10UxNhHn_M: If youre talking about the picture in the blog that is labeled as Christie, it is Christie. They both fainted when they saw their dead child, but it did not count. It was known as Manic Depression. Her lover and former husband testified against her but it did not represent evidence but character assassination. Steve made some piss poor choices when he had visitation with the kids after the shooting; he permitted them to go off alone with Dianne, when she was not supposed to have had any contact at all with the children. And the state refusing to turn them over to the defense? What followed was a tragedy subject to many interpretations. On May 30, 1983, the McKenzie-Willamette Hospital Chaplain told Dianes father to hire an attorney because the State was going to take his grandchildren away. She found out who her biological mother was when she was 11 years old, ABC reported. So how she behaved at the time, should not have been a factor influencing the authorities. I agree that the phone call from Angel was totally inappropriate. You have a photo of Diane before the parole board. Lets not forget that she was presumed to have fired a gun 6 times at close range within the confines of a small car. They should have had ongoing contact and been placed with family as soon as they were out of the hospital and they never should have been interviewed without their own attorney (Guardian ad Litem) present. I accept that it is sometimes necessary but I believe in rehabilitation. They had him micromanaged, and with the testimony of little Christie they were in business: argumentative Everything matters in a trial and investigation. To listen to Christies taped conversation, click below. And yes, its your site, but dont act like a site is open for discussion if its not. Indeed, Diane Down's murder case was a shocker for detectives. Im all for justice, reviewing facts and overturning corrupt decisions. It would never happen todaynever. Because she was failing quite miserably at remaining pure and chaste, she was expelled after only a year, and thus, she returned to her parents home in Arizona. The popular TV movie Small Sacrifices was based on Ann Rules book and it painted a horrid picture of the mother accused of shooting her children on Old Mohawk Road. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Again thats opinion, and neither balanced nor objective. Rule defended her right to earn a living and to tell her story. I will not remove anything. How ironic. It wasnt until Prosecutor Hugi said Dr. Jamison had labeled Diane a deviant sociopath that Mr. Steve was the one who left Diane because he believed that Stephen Daniel, known as Danny, was the result of an extramarital affair that Diane had. I do not post rude comments. The point is our trials need to be conducted fairly and based on evidence. That her child was basically forced to admit that she saw her mom shoot them? She told ABC, The impact of Diane Downs being my mom has altered the course of my life so many times. He may still reside in Arizona, but there is no proof of the same. My website is in the process of being migrated so it has no photos. They were treated very badly in this matter. I am a strong believer that pregnancy can do serious harm to some women. The last time I checked, it is my website and if you find it tiresome, no one is inviting you to stay or read the content; which you evidently did not read anyway. My brother was a first-generation immigrant who died in police custody And because of this, they formed a profound connection that matured into a relationship. It is because she is a high profile person. Halo's Master Chief TV Show Actor Won't Try To Replicate Steve Downes As for where he is now, well be honest, were not completely sure. I stuck to what came out at trial and not the fantasy factory coming from the state, the media and Rule. She entertained the idea of opening a surrogacy agency but the project never really took off. I have watched her parole hearing. As for where he is now, we'll be honest, we're not completely sure. And, one of them was her ex-husband, the father of the children that Diane had shot. And she would have been under supervision. After arriving at the nearest hospital where the nursing staff and doctors attended to the children, the police were called in and her parents arrived promptly. I hope she is granted parole. The price of celebrity for her was losing her freedom and her children for life. It was pitch black outside. Its tiresome. They rarely get a break. This is what I try to do when I research a case that was deemed to be a slam dunk. Andthe DA adopted her other two children. They went after Diane at trial for tapping her foot when they played Hungry like the wolf. This case needed to be examined more thoroughly, but the mob mentality didnt allow it. So the hell with no gun, no GSR, no blood and no witnesses except a sick child who denied knowing who shot them until she could not anymore and happened to be adopted by the prosecutor; making it look like she could never change her mind and reveal that she has no memory of the shooting and maybe have the case reversed. She was no mother of the year, I will grant them that, but a trial is supposed to be based on evidence. The states own witness, Dr. George Suckow and Dr. Polly Jamison denounced Prosecutor Hugis practice as improper and unethical (Appendix 101 and 104). Ur not showing facts that Ann Rule lied n misled n ruined lives with. She was in solitary confinement for years and even escaped from prison once but was recaptured. In 1984, Diane was convicted of the death and injuries of her children, and she was sentenced to life in prison. The gun presented at trial being the wrong one is a fact. The two kids who had survived the attack were placed for adoption and Steve was no able to care for them. The reason Im harsh is because Ive detected that youve paid for this site and therefore cant be wrong. She attacked her husband and ripped his neck open in a jealous rage (Appendix 81, page 1520), tearing from his neck the gold chain he still wore from his first marriage (a gift from his first wife). The men in her life were in no shape or form called on their irresponsible or wild behavior. Late Tom Billings had been the first who openly questioned Diane Downs guilt. In 1979, headstrong Diane gave birth to Danny who was not Stevens biological son because he had no desire to be a father again. Many attribute the conviction of Downs to the arrival of author Ann Rule at Downs' trial. He strung her along, played with both womens emotions, and after saying he would join her in Oregon, reneged and stayed with his wife. Police witness reports of strangers and confessions were suppressed or not pursued. There is no way that a jury would convict Diane today, based on the clearly coached testimony of Christie. Whats next? Not that it matters, your opinion is about the case and not subject to geography. The fact that she and her brother Danny were eventually adopted by Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs is the most blatant case of conflict of interest I have ever heard of. Her 7 yr old daughter was already dead, her other 2 children were in critical condition. I must humbly admit that I had not questioned the facts of the case before readily accepting this image of Diane as a cold blooded killer. 2.Diane herself has stated that the shooter was outside the car and shot THROUGH the window, no blood spatter. If you read the blog, it is because of the lie told by prosecutor Hugi that ignored the assessment of her therapist Dr. Jamison and was condemned by the psychiatrist that they were convinced to find her guilty. McPherron: I mean, it was plastered all over. Hey Jace, I was not going to post your insulting comments but I decided to let the last sentence fly so that I could answer it. At the time, among 49 prisoners denied parole, the board had given only four inmates, including Downs, a 10-year wait. And by the way, I wrote the blogs about Rule way before she passed. The proverbial expression It takes two to tango applies here. If you shoot at least 6 inches from a victim, you see what is around you in the car. Considering the circumstances, it is difficult not to be a bit cynical about this grand gesture. They would have tried to reopen the case. She has an excellent conduct report and never reacted violently to any of the harassment from other inmates. I enjoyed your take, and agree their are several reasons with this, and lets be honestevery other case ever prosecuted, to take pause and question but Diane continues to lie, make up brand new stories about people after her, and has made no moves to better herself in any way shape or form while shes been in prison, by her own admission. I am a firm believer of where there is smoke there is fire. So not addressing the content of the blog and rambling about everything else while asking for a disclaimer is nailing it? Gunpowder is one of the toughest stains around, when it comes to removing it from clothes. After completing high school, Steve Downs went to join the Navy while Elizabeth Diane attended the Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College. Therefore, to make their marriage work, they started a family, believing that it would make everything okay. The prosecutor and his wife adopted both children that survived and although the boy is paralyzed and in a wheelchair, they trived with their new parents. Rule made up stories to sell books and the rights to a movie. I have no idea how the social workers and county attorneys justified doing their due diligence in preserving the family (mandated by law) when they were in court. I can only imagine to absolute horror of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca during their horrific murders. If she did have memories of the actual shooting, that would be very rare. In fact, Diane and her lawyer wanted Christie to be able to heal before being questioned and to be accompanied and taped during the sessions. Just saw the video of Dianes parole hearing. Again I go back to how times were back then. An attractive woman whose two children were killed in mysterious circumstances and the cops decided to go after her. It was very unfair to raise them away from their grandparents and other blood relatives. In 1984, Diane Downs was convicted of shooting her three children, 3-year-old Danny, 7-year-old Cheryl, and 8-year-old Christie. I say these things if I were on the jury. Oh my. Therefore, those jagged bones were floating in a cloth wrap, merely resting in a cloth sling. Maybe because of her notoriety and the victims were children. It is possible that he still resides in Arizona, but exactly where he is or what he does, we dont know. What disease did Ray Liotta have, and what caused his death? They made her out to be a monster, but in Beckys case, it becomes redeemable. He separated from his wife and was going to follow Diane who, by now, had decided to move and work in Oregon to be closer to her parents. She was not given one inch of presumption of innocence. Either way, it appears to be a conflict of interest. 'Leave It to Beaver' star Tony Dow explains why he wasn't allowed to That didnt seem right so we wrote a letter to Mr Hugi with a request for visitation rights. Instead of grieving, Alice went partying and had sex. But why was the judge in family court hopping over to criminal court? View theaffidavits. Considering that the marks on the lethal bullets did not fit the bullet fingerprinting found in the rifle, this gun switcheroo was a good save for the state, but did not support the theory presented at trial either. Press J to jump to the feed. This unexpected proposal took Diane by surprise at a large family gathering. Robert was a married man in Arizona with whom Diane had been having an affair, back when she was still living there. It was not unlike brainwashing. She had no blood spatter or gun powder residue on her hands,clothing or hair. The very suspicious aspect of this ballistic saga is that Hugi said they had the bill of sale and serial number for the first Ruger and it was definitely the murder weapon. He had an attorney, Fred G. Campbell Jr., send us a letter denying our request and telling us: You are legally, as well as factually, a stranger to them. Who does he think he is? Ive been trying to decipher her handwriting on the couple of pages she wrote to her daughter (misquoted on here somewhere is a highlighted If you love your little boy, youll take him far away from here- why is this being taken as a threat and not a warning?!). Thank you for presenting a side of the story & case apart from the usual narrative. She even became a surrogate mother to make money and provide two parents the opportunity to have a child. Take your smugness elsewhere, at long last. After all, many cases of domestic abuse and even neglect do stem from alcoholism or drug abuse. Brewer changed his mind. No worries. Lise do you know if the kids have ever reached out to the grandparents/family in the last few years? I am sorry the meaning of nonsense evades you like the facts of the case in this instance. Meaning it was unlikely she was the shooter. Her character was also too much on the forefront. Or can have an accomplice. Gregory Foote who had denied access to the children by all blood relatives and given their care over to the State, was promoted from juvenile to senior judge to preside over the trial of Diane Downs.. My comment wont change their opinion on the barbarity of the American legal system, media influences and Ann Rules input. But her behavior became the most important factor in the investigation that followed. Or that the sketch did not resemble the suspect enough? If there is a fair trial and sentencing, I usually dont write about a case, but high profile cases tend to need more scrutiny because emotions run high. It appears that you have to be a perfect mother with no lovers and not afflicted with any mental illness to be considered innocent until proven guilty in America. I do not declare her innocent. Where is Diane Downs' husband now? Is there any update? Mr. Now if the shooter was this James Haynes guy, someone who apparently Diane Downs knew from buying drugs, then that would explain why she stopped in the middle of that road. They should have looked for a possible accomplice and checked all the leads. Needless to say, you seem to have a problem with the American justice systemnot each individual case. Robert Knickerbocker Now: Where is Diane Downs' Love Interest Today? She is a monster and belongs in prison for the rest of her life. And the motive? Five doctors have observed and documented this phenomenon. So glad you wrote and provided this information. Go to the hate groups for that. I dont. Reduces conflict because communication is limited. Glamour reported that Danny was paralyzed from the chest down as a result of the shooting and Cheryl suffered a major stroke as a result of the attack that left her with a lifelong speech impediment. They were in a group home and he was getting unsupervised visitation with them. She did not have the opportunity to clean her hands with the right product to erase all traces and she was tested pretty fast, contrary to many other cases. She has been in prison for so long that we dont know what her mental health situation is so it is a moot point for me. As she is incarcerated, her fate is already sealed, servicing her life sentence in prison. Whether or not Mrs. Frederickson could have attacheda clinical lab to Dianes not being herself the day the Detectives pressured Diane to accompany them, the fact is Diane was clearly suffering the residual effects of that chemical poison in her system. Tina, if you look at family pictures of the Downs, Christie is the eldest and this is her picture. The circumstances surrounding the crimes against these innocent children demand to be used as evidence.. My comment to you Lise is about your reply to a previous comment where you say Diane should have been released by now regardless of her statements. I know people who know or knew people is not a valid argument. this is your 2nd quote which contradicts the first one .. Lets not forget that she was presumed to have fired a gun 6 times at close range within the confines of a small car. And the interrogations were not tapedand barelydocumented. If I feel that due process was violated, I will go there anyway. It was the story of two troubled young souls trying to survive without a safety net. They had high hopes for Dianes future and this bad boy was not part of it. That is not a quick process and is very invasive to a familys privacy. She did diagnose her as suffering from cyclothymic disorder and treated her accordingly. On June 2nd, 1983, Juvenile Court Judge Gregory Foote held a hearing to take Christie and Danny away from ALL blood family (thus isolating them). I went on ebay and ordered multiple stuff from the 80s, news footage, just to hear what she sounded like, because of all the talk in the book about her demeanor. No way. What I believe doesnt matter at all. I personally disagree with that practice but it is common.

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why didn't steve downs get custody

why didn't steve downs get custody